Shared posts

26 Jul 14:58

Casa Independente sai à rua - iii

by vera marmelo

Há casas e casas e no Largo do Intendente está uma das minhas favoritas.
Inserido na programação Domingos no Largo a Casa Independente preparou um domingo especial.
E como não há festa sem música os They Are Heading West re-convidaram o Nuno Prata, Capicua, Samuel Úria e o Walter Benjamin para tocar com eles no final da tarde.
26 Jul 14:48

Sinceramente teu

by (Rodrigo Nogueira)
Ana Cabral Martins

A melhor coisa que há para o verão. <3

Isto, um mix que inclui faixas de todos os lançamentos da Sincerely Yours, de 2005 até agora, é incrível, sabe muito a 2007, e é a melhor coisa que há para o Verão (tirando as más partes, que são muitas das que não são Tough Alliance, Air France ou jj).

26 Jul 14:45

Ballad Of Lindsey & Claire

by Maria
Ana Cabral Martins

Vale a pena conhecer!

O que torna a Ballad Of… tão especial e próxima do nosso coração é que esta revista nasceu do mesmo impulso criativo com que criámos o Mashnotes: partilhar com o mundo as coisas que nos apaixonam.

Lindsey e Claire conheceram-se no primeiro dia do primeiro ano de faculdade, onde estudaram fotografia, e nunca mais se largaram. Literalmente. Prova nº 1: partilham o mesmo endereço de email e ficariam despedaçadas tivessem de deixar de o fazer (o que é estranho, mas querido)

O mais interessante na Ballad Of… é que esta revista se deixa moldar inteiramente pelos contributos que recebe dos colaboradores, pessoas como eu ou vocês, que submetem a sua interpretação do tema por elas lançado para a edição seguinte. Sem um planeamento meticuloso, e onde o único critério é, por um lado, a qualidade do trabalho e, por outro, a intuição das editoras, o resultado final é sempre uma boa surpresa.

“We can have an idea in mind of what the issue will look like, but to this day we have been surprised with each issue. It’s such an exciting process watching the magazine take shape! We are always blown away by what we get! In our humble opinion, it’s the most exciting way to work, and the most organic way of finding the interesting, exciting creatives around at the moment.”

Brian and Betsy COVER

Este número – o 9º da revista – chama-se Ballad Of Brian & Betsy (podem comprá-lo aqui) e procura, através de ensaios e crónicas, fotografias e entrevistas, celebrar o imaginário dos anos sessenta, que, para sermos francas, nenhuma de nós viveu. Mas isso importará assim tanto? Somos filhos dos anos oitenta (yeah!), adolescentes na época do grunge e, hoje, finalmente damos a devida importância àqueles tempos socialmente conturbados mas esteticamente muito cor-de-rosa, que nos acompanham na música, literatura e cinema. Será daí que vem o nosso amor ao vintage?

“If you think of summers of the sixties, a million things race through your mind, and all to the sun drenched theme tune of Brian Wilson’s voice. Playing, partying, beach time by the surf, young love and long road trips. The Beach Boys set the standard for a sixties summer song, so for our sixties summer issue, it seemed only fair to name it after The ‘Boys 1963 summer song ‘Ballad Of Ole’ Betsy’. But our sixties issue isn’t “growing old”, our issue is a couple of young lovers. Ballad Of Brian & Betsy.”

Entrem no espírito:

Descubram mais sobre a “Ballad Of…” aqui e sigam-na aqui.

26 Jul 14:30


by Joff


Another supermodel from the 90’s returns to modeling – this time it’s 44 year old Christy Turlington for Calvin Klein underwear. The campaign was shot by Mario Sorrenti and as usual in black & white. Christy Turlington shot her first Calvin Klein campaign back in 1988.




The post CHRISTY TURLINGTON FOR CALVIN KLEIN appeared first on Blend\Bureaux.

25 Jul 22:07

Lamborghini Count(ouch!)

by Francisca


Tenho uma tara séria pela Lamborghini, em particular pelo Countach. Sinto coisas quando o vejo e uma vez ouvi-o e ia morrendo de êxtase. Não é por acaso, vejam esta que descobri na wikipedia: “The word countach is an exclamation of astonishment in the local Piedmontese language—generally used by men on seeing an extremely beautiful woman.”

Esta pérola nasceu em 1974 e foi fabricada até 1990. Foi criado por dois designers de carros históricos, Marcello Gandini e Gruppo Bertone. Tem 748 cavalos num V12 de 4.8 litros. Ai, é um escândalo. Adoro tudo neste carro, desde a agressividade do desenho até ao facto de estarmos sentados no chão quando o conduzimos. Não, nunca o conduzi, faço já o apelo a uma alma caridosa. Se não puderem oferecer-me um, podem, pelo menos, deixar-me ligar a ignição? Eu sei que é pecado, mas valerá a pena.



P. S. – Este será, provavelmente, o post que menos apela à ecologia no Mashnotes. Mas é só daydreaming, OK?

Fotografias de

25 Jul 22:07

O melhor pior filme de sempre em exibição única no Nimas

by Ana

the room

Dia 27, Sábado, às 21h30

A primeira (e, até dia 27, única) vez que vi o The Room (2003) foi em grupo, em casa de uns amigos (oh hi, A. e L.) que já me tinham dito que eu tinha absolutamente de ver este objecto estranho. Já não me lembro o que fizemos antes (provavelmente jogámos Buzz ou outro jogo de Playstation que estivesse por perto), mas quando começámos a ver o filme já seria perto da 1 da manhã. Antes de mais, é necessário avisar: este filme precisa de ser visto em grupo. É preciso ter-se alguém com quem partilhar o puro absurdo que se passará no ecrã porque este filme é mesmo mau e a melhor parte é o quão a sério se leva. Não há bons actores (o actor/realizador Tommy Wiseau é particularmente inapto), não há um bom argumento, todos os diálogos são totalmente surreais (há um vídeo no Youtube dedicado às inúmeras vezes em que alguém diz “oh hi”, neste filme), nem existe qualquer espécie de sentido de continuidade narrativa (há uma cena que envolve copos de vinho de chorar). E é delicioso por isso mesmo. É mesmo um daqueles filmes que é tão mau que é incrível. Parámos dezenas de vezes o filme para chorar a rir ou para rever uma cena que achássemos particularmente inacreditável (a cena da florista, ou o confronto com a personagem Denny) e rir ainda mais. O pessoal do How Did This Get Made concorda que é o “best worst movie of all time” e têm um episódio hilariante sobre este filme, que inclui um dos actores (oh hi, Mark!) a revelar trivia dos bastidores.

A sessão do Nimas é no dia 27, sábado às 21h30, e é apresentada pelo Filipe Melo (que fez o glorioso Um Mundo Catita — juntamente com João Leitão — e é músico de jazz) e Nuno Markl. O estatuto de “filme de culto” tem tornado as exibições do The Room em fenómenos parecidos com as do filme Rocky Horror Picture Show (este, sim, um filme obrigatório), onde há sempre objectos a serem atirados ao filme, cosplay, cantam-se as músicas, dizem-se as falas em conjunto, etc.

Gostava que sessões destas fossem mais frequentes por cá, dado que lá fora existem cinemas como o Alamo Drafthouse (EUA) e o Prince Charles Cinema (Londres) que fazem sessões especiais deste género há anos. Para além de exibições de filmes de culto como o The Room ou o Rocky Horror, fazem sing- alongs (público a cantar durante os seus musicais favoritos), quote-alongs (público a dizer as falas em uníssono com o filme), sessões de heckling (sessões em que se pode dizer todas as piadas e todo o mal que se que queira do filme em questão), maratonas, you name it. No PCC, há sessões onde se pode beber uma cerveja e comer uma pizza, no Alamo há sempre comida (têm um menu repleto de coisas) durante as sessões e as salas estão feitas de modo a que os empregados nunca interrompam o visionamento. A melhor sessão de cinema da minha vida (sem os exageros habituais a que sou dada) foi uma sessão de quote-along do Pulp Fiction no Alamo Drafthouse de Austin. Serviram Big Kahuna burgers com Sprite (o que o Brett está a comer quando o Vincent e o Jules aparecem), deram-nos pistolas de brincar para darmos tiros em partes específicas, e nas falas mais icónicas havia legendas-tipo-karaoke para dizer em conjunto com as personagens. Ao meu lado, havia um grupo de amigos com um balde de gelo e cervejas que sabia as frases todas do filme. Nunca me diverti tanto no cinema.

Assim, a ideia para sábado é tornar a sessão interactiva: e serão oferecidas 3 colheres (para atirar ao ecrã) a cada pessoa, bem como um shot de schotcka. No final, haverá um Blu-ray a ser sorteado para tornar a coisa ainda mais inesquecível.

Até lá, treinem o vosso melhor “You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!”.

Os bilhetes são a €6,50 e compram-se exclusivamente no Nimas, em Lisboa. Não há reservas ou lugares marcados.


25 Jul 22:06

Gelado, Ice cream, Crème glacée

by Ana

Aquilo em que penso quando penso em gelados:

Para ver ao som de:*

*Porque os Battles são fixes e os videoclipes de CANADA são óptimos. E porque se chama “Ice Cream”, pois claro.

22 Jul 23:07

Newswire: R.I.P. Dennis Farina

by Marah Eakin

Actor and ex-Chicago cop Dennis Farina has died. He was 69 and died after he suffered a blood clot in his lung.

The A.V. Club will have more on Farina’s life and death later this afternoon, but his more than 30-year career was marked with a number of notable roles, including Midnight Run’s Jimmy Serrano and Get Shorty’s Ray “Bones” Barboni. In recent years he’d turned to TV, acting in HBO’s Luck, NBC’s Law & Order, and most recently, Fox’s New Girl, where he played Nick’s dad, Walt.

Farina is survived by three adult children, six grandchildren, and a longtime partner, Marianne Cahill.

Read more
22 Jul 23:04

Edie Campbell & Ondria Hardin for Marc Jacobs Beauty 2013 Campaign by David Sims

by John
Ondria Hardin & Edie Campbell for Marc Jacobs Beauty 2013 Campaigh by David Sims
22 Jul 22:58

When everyone else is freaking out about the Royal Baby being born

And I’m just like,

22 Jul 17:14

Dan Harmon Discusses Donald Glover's 'Community' Departure and Other Season 5 Stuff

by Bradford Evans
by Bradford Evans

Prior to Community's panel at Comic-Con this weekend, creator/showrunner Dan Harmon, who recently returned to the series, spoke with TV Line about his plans for the upcoming fifth season. He discussed Donald Glover's reduced role in the show. Glover will only be appearing in five of the new season's 13 episodes, and Harmon reveals that they'll be doing Glover's episodes all in one chunk at the top of the season and makes it seem as if he's exiting the show for good by referring to these five episodes as "his departure." Here's Harmon on the matter:

"It's devastating, the idea. It's heart-wrenching. He has my absolute full support doing whatever he wants to do. He's one of the most intimidatingly talented people I've ever had the pleasure of writing words for. [Losing] Troy is like the left arm being removed from your body … You have to acknowledge it and handle it … We're gonna charge in, we're gonna make eye contact with the tragedy that is his departure, and we're gonna turn it into a story and we're gonna feel the feels and laugh the laughs and deal with it."

When asked if he's replacing Chevy Chase with another cast member, Harmon responded:

"I'm still working on that aspect of it. We're having very organic conversations about how to fill… the more important thing is that there's a certain kind of vacuum being left behind by Chevy, and now if Donald is gonna be fading out of there. Whether or not you replace people is different from saying, 'Has the dynamic in the cast completely changed? … Does something need to be done to off-set that?' The answer is absolutely yes. New characters will emerge and old ones will come in. I don't have super specific solutions quite yet. I want it to be more organic to the stories that we're telling."

At Comic-Con, Harmon said of the new season, "Nobody wants to not fail more than me at this point, because it's kind of a weird story. I really really have to make these 13 [episodes] count. I don't consider them the last 13. I'm going to do everything I can to get us the sixth season." He also revealed that he's planning an animated episode and another Dungeons & Dragons episode this season.

Here's video of the Harmon/TV Line interview:

22 Jul 17:14

Some more doodles. BTW, I also have a Facebook.

Some more doodles.

BTW, I also have a Facebook.

22 Jul 14:33

Ia lá… ao Louis CK

by Maria

Quando pensámos nesta rúbrica (a Ana não gosta de lhe chamar isto… manias!) – que sim, é mesmo sobre rapazes com quem gostaríamos de passar mais tempo #eufemismos – pensámos em James Franco (sim por tantas razões), Ryan Gosling (sim) ou aquele miúdo amoroso do Breaking Bad cujo nome não tenho presente mas sei que casou recentemente.
Só que, para azar de alguém – meu, talvez – calhou-me a mim a primeira edição e o único nome que tenho na cabeça é ..… isso, adivinharam (só porque está no título, espertinhos): o Louis CK.

Louis CK Comedian:masturbator

Não é a escolha mais óbvia – não tão óbvia como seria a do Sr. Franco, mas eu explico.

O Louis CK não está perto do estereótipo de beleza universalmente aceite: não é universalmente hot (mas é), não é universalmente bonito (também não é feio, caramba!) e não tem o sentido de estilo mais – universalmente –  apurado do planeta (duvido que se interesse pela colaboração entre o Kanye West e a A.P.C., se bem que uma t-shirt preta e jeans não envergonham ninguém).

Quem o conhece já percebeu qual a razão desta atracção por – não há uma forma doce de colocar isto - um tipo de meia idade, careca e com pêra (péssima combinação, a meu ver) que claramente desistiu de tentar ser bonito/estar em forma e, no meio de piadas sobre peidos (que não são piadas sobre peidos mas sobre esta condição miserável que é a humana),diz que gostava de morrer a comer bacon. Não é, à partida, o que os americanos e americanas chamariam de eligible bachelor.

Há dias, no Gchat falei disto a uma amiga, que, com um dos episódios de Louie em mente, apontou:

deve ser do desespero que ele emana
é hot
é o smell of death and decaying

Mas não é isso.

O que se vê em Louie é só a ponta de um icebergue muito hot: uma série inteligente – por vezes, completamente absurda e deliciosamente incómoda – escrita, produzida, editada pelo próprio CK, que interpreta um divorciado, pai de duas miúdas, à bulha com a vida, a dating scene e a carreira como comediante (os episódios em que tenta ficar com o lugar do Letterman são maravilhosos, mas podia dizer isto de qualquer um).


1- Na cabeça dele não existe o conceito de “too much information” e se existir, serve apenas para o guiar nos limites deve ultrapassar.


2- Não tem medo de palavras feias.


3- Está do lado dos bons.

O mundo está cheio de horrores e podemos – aliás, devemos – rir-nos deles, não faz mal. A comédia serve para isso, mas nem sempre é utilizada para o bem. Esta piada, ao contrário de muitas outras sobre o tema, não me deixa ofendida ou sequer desconfortável. O Louis CK usa a comédia para o bem, os maus nunca ganham no fim das suas piadas. É fácil perceber que “the joke’s on them”, neste caso, o pensamento “I’m not condoning rape, obviously—you should never rape anyone. Unless you have a reason, like if you want to fuck somebody and they won’t let you.” é tão terrível e absurdo que só um psicopata se acharia no direito de dispor do corpo de outra pessoa para sexo como se estivesse a falar de fome e uma papa Cerelac abandonada na bancada da cozinha.


3- Adora crianças (as dele, pelo menos), mas sabe que são quase sempre insuportáveis.


4- Tem aquela atitude do “que se lixe, porque não?”

“HBO was asking us why there was no nudity on the show, and what they really meant was, Why wasn’t Pamela Adlon, who played my wife, nude? When I hired Pam, I didn’t tell her she was going to be doing anything like that. It wasn’t supposed to be that kind of show. So I said, “You know what, I’ll do it.” And I did that episode, and they were like, “O.K., we have plenty of nudity, thank you.”  (NY TIMES)


5- Por causa dele, comi o melhor bagel da minha vida, no Russ&Daughters.


6- Respeita a comédia.

To me the goal of comedy is to just laugh, which is a really high hearted thing, visceral connection and reaction. And any time I take laughs away on the show I have to replace it with something at least that high; it has to be that height. It can’t just be interesting. It has to be holy shit one way or the other; holy shit, that’s funny or holy shit that kind of scared me. I’ve been interested in scaring people too because it’s sort of, it runs by some of the same rules as laughing. Or oh my God, that’s so, I really feel that. Or what the fuck is this? I don’t understand this. These are all heightened responses and I have to be getting one of those. If it’s not funny it has to be super compelling in another way. [Time, 2011]


7 – É o maior e emociona-me.


Na semana passada, foi nomeado (novamente) para 6 Emmy Awards. A Rolling Stone disse que ele era “ the darkest, funniest comedian in América” – eu concordo – e a Time nomeou-o como uma das 100 pessoas mais influentes no mundo – oh, e toda a gente sabe como as mulheres (e os homens, for that matter) se sentem atraídas pelo sucesso. Uma pessoa que pode mandar à fava qualquer cadeia televisiva porque não precisa dela para promover um especial de comédia, como ele fez, é sexy. E muito.

Acima de tudo, faz-me rir.


22 Jul 14:33

‘Dat Skirt

by Ana
Ana Cabral Martins

thank u, rita

niotillfem Sandra Beijer & other stories

A saia da & Other Stories.

Um objecto imediatamente cobiçado assim que vi esta fotografia, neste blog post. As pessoas que me conhecem sabem da minha idolatria pela Sandra Beijer. Mais tarde ou mais cedo, estas palavras entrarão numa conversa “No outro dia, vi no blog da Sandra, a Sueca…” (como eu lhe chamo carinhosamente). Não sei em que momento da história começássemos a “namorar” objectos, mas eu comecei a namorar a saia assim que a vi.
Funny story: Fui a Londres poucos dias depois de ter visto o post e entrei na loja com um sorriso que só posso descrever como “pimpão”. Resolvi não experimentar a saia porque “o meu número na h&m é sempre o mesmo”. Voz da razão: “Mas devias experimentar na mesma”. Vestiários cheios, vontade de esperar absolutamente nenhuma. Peguei num número mais pequeno, tentei vesti-lo por cima das calças, apertei a saia a custo. “Deve ser antes este, porque se com as calças está um pouco apertada, sem calças deve ficar bem”. Score! No dia seguinte, experimentei a saia no hotel e, claro, estava demasiado justa. “Sem problemas, vou lá e troco-a. Simples”. Volto, finalmente, no último dia. Já não há o número certo. Devolvo a saia porque, felizmente-para-pessoas-como-eu, essa possibilidade existe e “ao menos não se perde o dinheiro”. Num golpe de boa fortuna, uma amiga vai a Londres e traz-me a saia que se tornou uma prenda-de-anos-atrasada, para ainda maior felicidade minha. Já não estamos só a namorar, oficializámos e agora vive comigo, envolta em papel vegetal, para não se estragar.

Para juntar ao meu estado de enamoramento, a Elisa Nalin e a Emily Weiss já foram convidadas a passar pela & Other Stories para criarem o seu próprio estilo e serem fotografadas. Um par de raparigas com “coolitude”, como a Garance Doré diria.
Cobiçar não tem de ser uma coisa má, certo?

Fotografias de Sandra Beijer, & Other Stories.

22 Jul 11:15

Noah Baumbach on Frances Ha

by Xan Brooks

It's hard to tell where director Noah Baumbach's films end and his life begins. Back with his new comedy Frances Ha, he talks about working with his partner, the film's star Greta Gerwig

The lift doors open with a satisfying ping. They could be curtains parting at the start of a drawing-room comedy, or the opening scene in some blustery drama about the artist and his muse. Out step Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwig. They are newly woken, freshly laundered and they idle for a moment in the hotel lobby. I'm sitting on a couch; the best seat in the house. Later, perhaps, there will be jittery discourse, blundering misunderstandings and a casual redemption at the breakfast buffet. In the case of Baumbach, it's hard to tell where the films end and the film-maker begins.

Or to put it another way: Baumbach makes movies that are just a shuffle-step from his own reality – sprinkled with nods and references to the people he has known and the places he has lived. Starting out, in his mid-20s, he converted his own post-college experience into his debut feature, Kicking and Screaming. His 2005 breakthrough, The Squid and the Whale, found him scratching at the scab of his parents' divorce, and dressing the actor Jeff Daniels in his father's clothes. And then, on turning 40, he made Greenberg, a tragicomedy about a bilious 40-year-old man who is thrown a lifeline by a free-spirited younger woman. The more I think about this last one, the more resonant it feels.

Back in the hotel lobby, Gerwig goes right and Baumbach goes left. I trail behind him, into the library where he orders some coffee. The day is still early and the director is jetlagged. He needs some caffeine to perk himself up.

At first glance, Baumbach's superb new picture, Frances Ha, heralds a break from the personal, insofar as its lead character is female, 27, and a wannabe dancer. But appearances are misleading. The Frances Ha script is a collaboration between him and Gerwig, while the latter takes the title role. The film, moreover, plays out as a love letter of sorts – a joyous celebration for both the art of film-making and the performer on the screen.

The director contemplates the coffee. "Yeah, there's something in that," he says. "I wanted it to feel like a first film, quick and scaled down. That's the spirit of it – a certain kind of regeneration. But it's a kind of starting again, as opposed to starting for the first time."

It is also, at times, quite gloriously messy – matching its skittish rhythms to those of its heroine. Frances dreams of being a dancer, but her moves are only passable. She's coltish and klutzy. She trips on the street and "can't account for her bruises". In other hands, the character would be insufferable; a voguish version of one of Lena Dunham's Girls. But Gerwig keeps her honest. By the end of the film, we love Frances almost as much as Baumbach does himself.

"In making this, I was led by Greta," he says. "Things were clear to me in large part because of knowing Greta. And it became clear to me that I was motivated by a desire to protect this character. I wanted the movie to be as buoyant as she is."

As buoyant as Frances or as buoyant as Greta?

Baumbach chuckles; he is momentarily stumped. "Well, Greta's a little different from Frances. But like any comic invention, the actor and the character are very integrated. I mean, if you were writing an Inspector Clouseau movie knowing that Peter Sellers was playing it, wouldn't you allow yourself to be led by that?"

I'm not sure. Wasn't Sellers meant to be very different from Inspector Clouseau?

"OK, bad example, they were very different. I would say that Greta is not as different from Frances as Sellers was from Clouseau."

The pair first worked together on Greenberg back in 2010. She played Florence, the twentysomething free spirit. At the time, Gerwig was a recent graduate of the mumblecore movement, a film-maker in her own right, flattered by the attentions of Hollywood but wary of becoming too enmeshed. Baumbach, for his part, was married to the actor Jennifer Jason Leigh, who co-starred in the film as Greenberg's ex-girlfriend. By the end of the year, the marriage was done.

I had assumed Baumbach's relationship with Gerwig came first and the movie then followed. Not so, the director explains. "I mean, I've always liked working with friends or, you know, people I have outside relationships with. I'd worked with Greta on Greenberg when we weren't together and had a great time, so that was already taken care of. But actually, when we started the script for Frances we weren't together either." He pulls a face. "So in a way, the other thing came from liking each other and liking working together."

The film-maker was born in Brooklyn to Jonathan Baumbach and Georgia Brown, a pair of writers and critics whose painful breakup he would later document in The Squid and the Whale. He shot most of the film with a hand-held camera because he wanted to give the impression of reliving the experience in the raw; caught in the maelstrom, the walls closing in. Afterwards, at a screening, he surprised himself by breaking down in tears.

What his parents made of it is anyone's guess. "Oh, well, the first time they saw it, they were very troubled," he admits. "I mean, they were entirely supportive of the film. They like it. But I don't think it is something they will ever go back to. It's funny. For me that movie was all about discovery and rebellion and ruthlessness. That was very necessary for me – both therapeutically and professionally. But I got so caught up in it. I never imagined how strange it would be for them to actually sit down and watch the thing."

This, by and large, is a hazard of the job. He says that all of his films are autobiographical. Even the process of making them amounts to a kind of autobiography. "And if you're a certain kind of film-maker, you have to go there, into what's personal, because it's a good creative place to be."

In college, he was obsessed by Woody Allen and tried his hand at improv comedy. He wanted to do it all. He wanted to write gags, direct and perform them himself. Unfortunately, it was not to be. "I wasn't that guy. Or rather, people didn't see me as that kind of person."

Those confused early years, he feels, afford him a kinship with Frances, who runs up against reality and has the bruises to prove it. Frances sees herself one way and the world sees her another – and the friction is fascinating, it makes for good drama.

"It's funny," says Baumbach. "I've always been interested in that kind of psychological comedy. That conflict between how we want the world to be and how the world really is. It always involves some major or minor adjustment. Sometimes, it's a clear-cut hurdle that you have to get over, like a death or a divorce. Sometimes, it's just about being in your 20s and being totally lost. And I can relate to all of it. I've had times in my life when I really haven't been able to figure myself out."

How about now? Has he figured himself out? Baumbach nods automatically and then abruptly reconsiders. "God, no," he splutters. "It's an ongoing process." He has work to do and movies to make. There is plenty of fuel still left in his tank.

Frances Ha is out on 26 July © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

22 Jul 09:01

Edgar Wright's 'The World's End,' Starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, Provides A Clever Respite From Summer Blockbusters

by Eric Kohn
The genius of "Shaun of the Dead," as the countless fans of the cult hit know, was that it worked as a comedy without satirizing its genre roots. Director Edgar Wright and co-stars Simon Pegg and...
22 Jul 00:20

grön ärtsoppa, picknick i vitabergsparken och en boule-turnering.

by sandra

I torsdags begav jag mig till Djurgården.

För att äta lunch med den här finingen; Ulrika!

Vi gick till Rosendals där det var blommigt, grönt och somrigt.

Med tjocka små fåglar som Ulrika var livrädd för.

Jag åt grön ärtsoppa.

Efter lunchen dök Jenny upp också och det firade vi med ett glas vin.

Sedan promenerade vi runt på området.

Bland äppelträden.

Och sedan åkte jag och Jenny till Söder.

Vi skulle ha picknick i Vitan med det här gänget.

Adrian har flyttat hem från New York så vi ställde till med välkommen hem-picknick.

Alexandra var med.

Och Aviva, som fortfarande bor i New York men är i Stockholm på semester.

Och jag och Jenny förstås, hej hej.

Alexandra bodde i New York i sex år och har empire state building tatuerad på underarmen.

Snart kom fler fint folk.

Och kvällssolen kom fram.

Vi bättrade på sminket.

Och läppstiftet.

Och begav oss till Trädgården!

Där hamnar man alltid till slut vid trappbänkarna eftersom man har så bra utsikt över folk.

Fina Aviva.

När det blivit mörkt dök Viktor upp med sin bror.

Och så avslutade vi en väldigt utmärkt torsdag med boule.
Translation. My Thursday last week. I had lunch with Ulrika and Jenny at Rosendals, a lovely place at Djurgården in Stockholm. Afterwards Jenny and I went for a picnic in Vitabergsparken with a bunch of people and then we ended our evening at the club Trädgården with beers and boules.

22 Jul 00:20

it’s raining cats and dogs.

by sandra

Michelle tyckte det var dags för lite gulliga djur i bloggen så här kommer en kavalkad av cute overload, håll till godo:





<3! Källor finns här.

21 Jul 12:56

John Oliver sobre Trayvon Martin

by (Rodrigo Nogueira)
21 Jul 12:55

Tour semanal pela internet: 20 Julho

by Mashnotes

print publishing


Print publishing: A braggadocio wink (The Economist)

A exposição “Paper Weight: genre-defining Magazines 2000 to Now” (Haus der Kunst, Munique) mostra como 15 publicações de nicho foram lançadas e prosperaram, desafiando a noção de que (novas) publicações em papel não têm futuro. — Ana


President Offers a Personal Take on Race in U.S. (The New York Times)

O presidente Obama falou sobre o veredicto no caso Trayvon Martin, a forma como afectou a comunidade Afro-Americana e como ele próprio “poderia ter sido Martin há 35 anos”. — Ana


We Watched It For You: Syfy’s Sharknado (

O Price Peterson, o melhor recapper da história do e meu herói pessoal, viu o Sharknado para que mais ninguém tenha de o ver. Provavelmente o pior filme do ano, mas vale por certos momentos, como este .gif. Obrigada, Syfy. Outra recapitualação excelente (bem melhor que o filme) é do podcast How Did This Get Made?, em que Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael e Jason Mantzoukas falam sobre filmes “tão maus que são incríveis”. — Ana


This is what addiction looks like (Though Catalog) 

A propósito da morte de Cory Monteith. Porque é preciso ver para além dos estereótipos. — Maria


Joan Didion on keeping a notebook  (Brain Pickings)

A Joan Didion é incrível (não é?) e vale sempre a pena recuperar uma ou outra pontinha da sua sabedoria. Aqui, sobre a importância de manter um diário. Spoiler alert: os factos pouco importam, essencial é manter o contacto com quem fomos e somos. — Maria


Jesse Pearson of Apology Magazine  (Nothing Major)

Uma entrevista ao ex-editor da Vice que é uma pessoa muito mais interessante do que esse selo faz crer. Pearson fundou recentemente a revista Apology para se desculpar por uma cultura que ajudou a construir. Vale pela resposta que dá à pergunta “Why do you still love print?” — Maria


The Artist Is Not Present But the Brand Sure Is (Hyperallergic)

A propósito do hype todo em volta da rainha da performance e depois da mais recente colaboração com o Jay Z, este artigo fala-nos sobre a marca Abramovic e como ela se tornou uma celebridade. A artista está em retiro até Setembro do próximo ano. — Francisca


10 Facts You May Not Know About Artemisia Gentileschi (Hyperallergic)

A Artemisia Gentileschi foi uma importante pintora do Barroco e foi a primeira mulher a ser admitida na Accademia dell’Arte del Disegno em Florença. Apenas vos digo que era uma mulher incrível, amiga do Galileo Galilei, e que vale a pena ler tudo sobre ela. — Francisca


What Is Punk? 25 Definitions From People Who Should Know (Flavorwire)

25 citações acerca do que é o Punk pelos seus maiores intervenientes. Esta é das minhas favoritas: “The popularity of punk rock was, in effect, due to the fact that it made ugliness beautiful.”— Malcolm McLaren. Aproveito para criticar, por que raio não há palavras da Vivienne Westwood? Pelo menos estas: “I was the first person to have a punk rock hairstyle.” — Francisca

21 Jul 12:46

Cool Stuff: Mondo Releases Studio Ghibli Compilation Album With Tyler Stout Artwork

by Germain Lussier


Mondo, a company best known for posters, has also been releasing some incredible albums. They’ve done Drive, Poltergeist, and many others but now they’ve gone above and beyond. Mondo has teamed up with Studio Ghibli to release a compilation album featuring music from five different films: Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, The Cat Returns and My Neighbors The Yamadas. There will be three different covers, all done by Tyler Stout, and you can read everything about them below.

Here are the three covers. Below them is the press release with all the info. They go on sale July 26. Follow @MondoNews for on sale time.

Mononoke Spirited Howls

Mondo is thrilled to announce the limited edition vinyl release of a compilation of selections from five different Studio Ghibli films, featuring performances from the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. Studio Ghibli Kokyo Kyokushu will include selections from PRINCESS MONONOKE, SPIRITED AWAY, HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE, THE CAT RETURNS, & MY NEIGHBORS THE YAMADAS. This collaboration was an especially exciting project for Mondo to be able to release this album for the first time ever on vinyl. Studio Ghibli Kokyo Kyokushu will be available for purchase on July 26 at

There will be three different collectible versions of this album, each featuring a different piece of artwork from renowned Mondo artist, Tyler Stout, capturing elements from all five films across the Gatefold 2XLP packaging. One version, showcasing HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE, a with traditional Japanese Obi and all Japanese text, will premiere at the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con. Each album will also include two different colored vinyl as followed:

HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE (Japanese Variant) – Purple & Pink vinyl

PRINCESS MONONOKE – Red & Blue vinyl

SPIRITED AWAY – Yellow & Green vinyl

Track Listing:
Chapter One – The Legend of Ashitaka
Chapter Four – Princess Mononoke
Chapter Eight – Ashitaka And San
The Theme of My Neighbors The Yamadas – Orchestral Version
Takashi And Matsuko’s Tango – Sinfonico
Always With Me – Orchestral Version
A Mysterious World
The Moving Castle
War War War
Cave Of The Mind
The Baron
Haru’s Memories
Tracks 1-3 From Symphonic Suite Princess Mononoke
Tracks 4-5 From My Neighbors The Yamadas – Classical Album
Track 6 From the film Spirited Away
Tracks 7-10 From Howl’s Moving Castle – Image Symphonic Suite
Tracks 11-13 From The Cat Returns – Original Soundtrack Album

21 Jul 12:43

Suzy Menkes on Suzy Menkes

Suzy Menkes on Suzy Menkes

Sunday, July 21, 2013

To coincide with the final days of bidding at In My Fashion, the online sale at Christie’s which sees some of Suzy Menkes’ signature pieces go under the hammer, NOWNESS celebrates the life and work of one of the most remarkable fashion journalists. Looking at the entire span of her career, these photographs and recollections accompany Suzy on the journey from cub reporter to author, editor and fashion icon. Among them are intimate and hitherto unseen portraits, alongside front-row pictures, from Lord Snowdon, Richard Avedon, and Dafyyd Jones. On parting ways with her much-loved collection, Menkes says: “They need to live again, and this auction provides the opportunity for them to walk out in the sunshine, to dance the night away and to give someone else the joy that they gave to me.”

Bidding closes on July 22 2013 at 10AM EST. 

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19 Jul 17:39

Thurston Moore's Crash Course in Poetry

Ana Cabral Martins

Grande Marmelo na Dazed!

The Sonic Youth frontdude has been quietly brewing a bedlam of sweet, sweet poetry
01 Thurston Moore_Vera Marmelo

Huzaah for Thurston Moore: as well as being a fully paid-up linchpin of one of the greatest cleverclogs rock bands ever, the Sonic Youth frontdude is also a staunch and proactive promoter, editor, publisher, reader, writer and performer of poetry. He's been quietly producing and publishing his own verse for the last three decades, and his insatiable enthusiasm for the form led him to found the brilliant Flowers & Cream Press – an indie publisher that puts out devilishly handsome limited editions of

... read more »

19 Jul 13:28


by Joff


“A Single Man” director and resurrector  of the house of Gucci back in the 1990s, Tom Ford – launched a Men’s Grooming Line. The range includes no less than 9 different multifunctional skin-care and grooming products of which one is a bronzing gel! The campaign features Cuban model Juan Betancourt.







The post TOM FORD & BRONZING GEL appeared first on Blend\Bureaux.

19 Jul 11:43

Mashnotes presents “Há mar e mar…” Mixtape

by Mashnotes



Canções para ir e voltar da praia.

Wipe out - The Surfaris
This Summer — Superchunk
Brimful of Asha (Norman Cook a.k.a Fatboy Slim Remix) — Cornershop
I bought my eyes - Ty Segall Band
Wayne County Hill Cop’s (Omar S Nix) - Omar S and Ob Ignitt
Coral blue - Converge
Midnight Confession – The Grass Roots
Skreamin’ Skull - Fleshtones
Similau – Martin Denny
Ya hey - Vampire Weekend
An Impression - No Age
Bam Bam - Sister Nancy


19 Jul 11:41

Adam Pally Heading to The Mindy Project

by Margaret Lyons

Happy Endings alum Adam Pally will be on The Mindy Project for a multi-episode arc. According to TVLine, he'll play a doctor at the show's central practice, which is getting kind of crowded considering James Franco is also doing a guest-arc there. Maybe ob-gyn offices are more of a revolving ... More »

19 Jul 11:41

Girl Talk Mashes Up 'Get Lucky' with Michael Jackson, Kanye with Marilyn Manson

by Zach Dionne

If this soundboard recording of a recent Girl Talk gig is anything to go by, the follow-up to 2010's All Day is going to be a wonderful thing to have in the world. Gregg Gillis has likely been jamming to Daft Punk's "Get Lucky" as much as the rest of us, ... More »

19 Jul 11:30


by Joff

Daft Punk has probably been in each single magazine you can think of this last couple of months and it is now the US version of Vogue that has featured the helmed duo in an editorial together with American model Karlie Kloss. Photographer Craig McDean shot the editorial down on 42nd Street.





The post DAFT PUNK & VOGUE appeared first on Blend\Bureaux.

19 Jul 11:28

Ride That Bike

by Joff
Ana Cabral Martins

para bike lovers


Ride A Bike is a Tumblr, an App and a Book of movie stars on bikes. The site predominantly features photographs of actors and actresses from the Silver screen era. For more visit the site here.







The post Ride That Bike appeared first on Blend\Bureaux.

18 Jul 13:22

Moodboard Helmut Newton

by Francisca
Ana Cabral Martins

Melhores fotografias. <3