Shared posts

30 Jul 14:24

Zizek for Twelve-Year-Olds: Ideology and Rebecca Black

by Eugene

Noam Chomsky, in his now-infamous interview from last December, declared that the works of critical theorists such as Slavoj Zizek and Jacques Lacan were guilty of meaningless theories dressed up in fancy words.  Chomsky offered a litmus test: whether or not these theories could be explained to a 12-year-old in five minutes. Of course, the claim is from the start ridiculous in light of a man who literally explains his theories in terms of children’s movies.

Now, a video emerged on this blog where a father explains Zizek to his young daughter in terms perfectly intelligible to a tween: Rebecca Black’s magnus opus “Friday.”

The video is the work of Douglas Lain, an author and host of the philosophy podcast Diet Soap. His daughter isn’t necessarily 12, but close enough, right?

[Via Agent Swarm]

29 Jul 10:45

e-paulettes: Street style hereee.

28 Jul 17:24


28 Jul 14:43



28 Jul 14:23

Tour semanal pela internet: 27 Julho

by Mashnotes


Eight Online Series for Your Art-Hungry Eyes (Hyperallergic)

A Hyperallergic escolheu oito óptimas séries sobre arte para verem nas férias ou para guardarem para o regresso do frio. Conheço bem a da Art21 e  a da Tate e recomendo. Estou ansiosa por ver a série The Art of Punk da MOCATv e todos os episódios da Tate (são curtinhos).— Francisca

Kenneth Anger: how I made Lucifer Rising (The Guardian)

Kenneth Anger fala sobre o seu clássico de 1966  e sobre as  histórias obscuras que lhe estão associadas e desmonta os mitos que o cercam.  I think all drugs are crutches – you don’t need them to be creative.— Francisca

Slavoj Žižek on The Act of Killing and the modern trend of “privatising public space” (NewStatesmen)

O olhar do brilhante Slavoj Žižek sobre a sociedade exibicionista ou a ‘privatização do espaço público’, a partir do obsceno documentário indonésio, The Act of Killing.— Francisca

Difficult Women: How “Sex and the City” lost its good name (The New Yorker)

A Emily Nussbaum escreve uma peça magnífica sobre como a série O Sexo e a Cidade perdeu a sua reputação e passou de MVP da HBO para exemplo do qual outras séries se querem afastar. Se é verdade que a série em questão se perdeu numa sucessão de vestidos e sapatos que desfilavam pelo ecrã, também é verdade que a Carrie Bradshaw foi a primeira anti-heroína na televisão americana. Eram personagens complexas e os episódios levantavam questões pertinentes, para além de ser uma série que falava de sexo de uma maneira franca (e, até à altura, não vista). Era uma série que dizia que — num mundo de personagens femininas cuja validade depende de existir um homem nas suas vidas — é ok ser solteira. Fabuloso, até.— Ana

France’s ‘lost generation’ of jobless youth finds film portrait in Juliette (The Guardian)

Juliette é um filme sobre adulescentes: adultos adolescentes. Conta a história de uma jovem que adia (indefinidamente?) o momento em que tem de se tornar responsável pela sua própria vida e, numa palavra, crescer. É descrito como um dos filmes que ilustra a presente angústia sentida pela juventude europeia, numa altura de crise profunda.— Ana

Bounding ‘Round Town: Noah Baumbach & Greta Gerwig’s “Frances Ha” (Notebook)

Vi o Frances Ha no último dia da mais recente edição do IndieLisboa. Dentro da mesma veia de Juliette,  também é sobre o período de deriva dos vinte-e-muitos em que ainda não és o adulto que pensavas que já serias nesta altura. Ryland Walker Knight, que escreve este artigo, sentiu a mesma magia e doçura que eu ao ver este filme. Pontos extra por ser um filme sobre duas amigas e sair um bocadinho dos moldes normais de raparigas-que-se-definem-pelas-relações-com-rapazes. A Frances talvez seja “undatable”, mas é profundamente lovable.— Ana

All My Exes Live in Texts: Why the Social Media Generation Never Really Breaks Up (The Cut)

Antigamente, os namoros acabavam e, com sorte e algum jogo de cintura, as pessoas nunca mais se viam. Podíamos sempre mudar de amigos, de restaurante favorito e até de cidade – caso a coisa tivesse acabado mesmo mal. Eu já não sou desse tempo, aliás, sou cada vez menos desse tempo. Para além do FOMO, cada vez que abrimos o Instagram temos medo do que vamos encontrar: uma foto em Earlybird com a nova namorada no “nosso” restaurante; aquele evento para o qual fomos convidadas no Facebook - e queríamos tanto ir, mas vemos que ele já confirmou presença ( e já não vamos, nem pensar!) Ou o seu novo emprego, em destaque no Linkedin (já agora, parabéns!). Ex-namorados estão em toda a parte. Para sempre. E, às vezes, até fazem like. - Maria

A roaring success: LOVE for a true fashion bible (The Independent)

Lembram-se do significado de mashnotesPois bem, este artigo do The Independent, é uma dessas cartas de amor, notas elogiosas, efusivas e sentimentais, dirigida a Katie Grand e à sua revista LOVE, que, segunda-feira, lança a sua décima edição. Se não a conhecem, comecem por ler este artigo. Se já são fãs, deixem que Alexander Fury vos recorde porquê. - Maria

Why Is the World So Shocked by Kate Middleton’s Belly? (NY Mag)

Sim, porquê?!!! Confesso que também eu, quando vi as imagens, fiquei chocada por uns segundos, mas poucos. De seguida, levantei-me e fiz uma vénia a esta mulher que decidiu por os pontos nos i’s. Obrigada, Kate. - Maria



28 Jul 14:04

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage."

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

- Anaïs Nin
28 Jul 13:59

"I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I..."

“I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.”

- Jorge Luis Borges 
27 Jul 14:32

Black Flag Shirts on Every Celebrity

22 Jul 17:47


22 Jul 17:38

"I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list."

“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”

- Susan Sontag 
22 Jul 17:35

"Maybe…you’ll fall in love with me all over again." “Hell," I said, “I love you enough now. What do..."

“Maybe…you’ll fall in love with me all over again."
“Hell," I said, “I love you enough now. What do you want to do? Ruin me?"
“Yes. I want to ruin you."
“Good," I said. “That’s what I want too.”

- Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms 
22 Jul 14:36

Tour semanal pela internet: 20 Julho

by Mashnotes

print publishing


Print publishing: A braggadocio wink (The Economist)

A exposição “Paper Weight: genre-defining Magazines 2000 to Now” (Haus der Kunst, Munique) mostra como 15 publicações de nicho foram lançadas e prosperaram, desafiando a noção de que (novas) publicações em papel não têm futuro. — Ana


President Offers a Personal Take on Race in U.S. (The New York Times)

O presidente Obama falou sobre o veredicto no caso Trayvon Martin, a forma como afectou a comunidade Afro-Americana e como ele próprio “poderia ter sido Martin há 35 anos”. — Ana


We Watched It For You: Syfy’s Sharknado (

O Price Peterson, o melhor recapper da história do e meu herói pessoal, viu o Sharknado para que mais ninguém tenha de o ver. Provavelmente o pior filme do ano, mas vale por certos momentos, como este .gif. Obrigada, Syfy. Outra recapitualação excelente (bem melhor que o filme) é do podcast How Did This Get Made?, em que Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael e Jason Mantzoukas falam sobre filmes “tão maus que são incríveis”. — Ana


This is what addiction looks like (Though Catalog) 

A propósito da morte de Cory Monteith. Porque é preciso ver para além dos estereótipos. — Maria


Joan Didion on keeping a notebook  (Brain Pickings)

A Joan Didion é incrível (não é?) e vale sempre a pena recuperar uma ou outra pontinha da sua sabedoria. Aqui, sobre a importância de manter um diário. Spoiler alert: os factos pouco importam, essencial é manter o contacto com quem fomos e somos. — Maria


Jesse Pearson of Apology Magazine  (Nothing Major)

Uma entrevista ao ex-editor da Vice que é uma pessoa muito mais interessante do que esse selo faz crer. Pearson fundou recentemente a revista Apology para se desculpar por uma cultura que ajudou a construir. Vale pela resposta que dá à pergunta “Why do you still love print?” — Maria


The Artist Is Not Present But the Brand Sure Is (Hyperallergic)

A propósito do hype todo em volta da rainha da performance e depois da mais recente colaboração com o Jay Z, este artigo fala-nos sobre a marca Abramovic e como ela se tornou uma celebridade. A artista está em retiro até Setembro do próximo ano. — Francisca


10 Facts You May Not Know About Artemisia Gentileschi (Hyperallergic)

A Artemisia Gentileschi foi uma importante pintora do Barroco e foi a primeira mulher a ser admitida na Accademia dell’Arte del Disegno em Florença. Apenas vos digo que era uma mulher incrível, amiga do Galileo Galilei, e que vale a pena ler tudo sobre ela. — Francisca


What Is Punk? 25 Definitions From People Who Should Know (Flavorwire)

25 citações acerca do que é o Punk pelos seus maiores intervenientes. Esta é das minhas favoritas: “The popularity of punk rock was, in effect, due to the fact that it made ugliness beautiful.”— Malcolm McLaren. Aproveito para criticar, por que raio não há palavras da Vivienne Westwood? Pelo menos estas: “I was the first person to have a punk rock hairstyle.” — Francisca

22 Jul 13:24

Dog Grooming Taken To A Very Strange Place

by Danny Olda

Crazy Dog Grooming Competition Crazy Dog Grooming Competition

Crazy Dog Grooming Competition

Grooming is essential to the care of any dog.  These images taken by pet photographer Ren Netherland are from a dog grooming competition that take the necessity to a strange place.  The fur of these dogs are cut and colored so as to resemble pop-culture characters, scenes, and recognizable images. Given, the creativity that goes into grooming these canines is surprising (but perhaps better redirected).  What do you think – is this extreme grooming just silly or inhumane?

Crazy Dog Grooming Competition Crazy Dog Grooming Competition Crazy Dog Grooming Competition Crazy Dog Grooming Competition Crazy Dog Grooming Competition

19 Jul 17:18

Mashnotes presents “Há mar e mar…” Mixtape

by Mashnotes



Canções para ir e voltar da praia.

Wipe out - The Surfaris
This Summer — Superchunk
Brimful of Asha (Norman Cook a.k.a Fatboy Slim Remix) — Cornershop
I bought my eyes - Ty Segall Band
Wayne County Hill Cop’s (Omar S Nix) - Omar S and Ob Ignitt
Coral blue - Converge
Midnight Confession – The Grass Roots
Skreamin’ Skull - Fleshtones
Similau – Martin Denny
Ya hey - Vampire Weekend
An Impression - No Age
Bam Bam - Sister Nancy


19 Jul 16:32

Uma pausa para respirar / One Break to breath

by De Alma e Coração


Em meados de Junho alguns de nós decidiram partir rumo à Indonésia- Bali, era a terceira
vez que pisávamos este País mas nunca o tinha pisado com o corpo tão pesado.

Fazer aquilo que gostamos tem toda uma alegria constante na vida, como metaforicamente
já disse muitas vezes, é uma viagem, em que os condutores serão certamente sempre os mesmos
e os passageiros vão entrando de paragem em paragem, por vezes ficam até perder o destino,
por vezes não, mas isso é o principio de qualquer viagem.

Quando escolhemos este destino pensámos que teríamos de sentir que estávamos longe,
longe o suficiente para poder pensar, esquecer e Respirar. 

Fazer algo em que acreditamos é muito importante mas por vezes todos nós sabemos que não
é fácil, saber que escolhas tomar, saber que destino seguir, e lidar com o que cada paragem tem
de bom e de mau... e principalmente pensar sempre que o bom é proporcionalmente muito maior
do que o menos bom, até porque tanto um como outro serve para nos fazer aprender a "conduzir melhor".
Sometime around some of us decided to leave to Indonesia, Bali. This would be the third time we set
foot in this country, but never did with so much weight in body.
Doing what you love is a constant joy in life, like I said before, it's a journey in which the drivers will 
be the same and the passengers come on and off between stations, sometimes they keep on going 
and miss their destination, sometimes not, but that is the beginning of any journey.
When we chose this destination we thought about being and feeling far away, enough to be able 
to think, forget and bread.
Is very important to make something that we believe in, but sometimes we all know that it is not easy
to make the right choices, or choose the right destination, and deal with every stop along the way, 
good or bad… and always think that the good is proportional bigger that the less good, even because
both of them makes us better drivers. 



Neste País o simples facto de acordar é uma alegria, é algo que devemos comemorar, não sou
religiosa acredito e respeito a fé de cada um, mas se houvesse religião com que me indetificasse 
seria esta... O simples facto de poder agradecer à vida onde nos der mais prazer, de poder meditar,
de perceber que o mal e o bem terão sempre de existir e têm só por si a mesma importância para que
o mundo esteja em equilíbrio, o simples facto de ser uma religião que nos "obriga" a sorrir cada vez
que acordamos, a sorrir a quem não conhecemos, a sorrir porque somos humanos, a sorrir porque 
estamos vivos.
In this country awakening is a joy, is something that we should celebrate. I'm not religious, I believe
and respect the faith of everyone, but if there is a religion I identify myself with, this would be it…
The simple fact to be able to say 'thank you' to life anywhere we pleased, to be able to meditate, to
be able to understand that good and evil will have always to co-exist, so the world stays in perfect
balance, the simple fact that this religion 'makes' you smile every time you wake up, smile some to
a stranger, smile because we are humans, smile because we are alive.





Depois de algum tempo fora da Ásia foi sem dúvida um pouco estranho ver como este país se
transformou, onde não havia ninguém tem agora milhares de pessoas, culturas misturadas o
que por si tem muito de bom mas muito de mau também, lá está, a comida é uma mistura disto
tudo a cada canto há maravilhosos pratos com o sabor muito especifico deste país, como de
seguida existe uma mistura de algum italiano, francês.. europeu ou australiano que ali decidiu
ser feliz... mas por outro lado a construção é assustadora ainda se vêm paraísos sem ninguém
mas coma sensação de que numa próxima já não lá estarão, construções gigantes à beira
mar plantado, campos que eram de outra hora de arroz são agora imensos hotéis, warungs
ou algo parecido. 

Foi uma surpresa encontrar tanta mistura, tão depressa estava realmente na Àsia como de seguida
passava pela Europa, mas a essência deste povo mantém-se, eu pelo menos acredito que sim,
no meio de um campo por onde passas há sempre uma mão que se levanta e larga o seu arroz para
te falar, o melhor que pode ser dito é: "tenham um bom dia!", a essência de um dia de cada vez,
de quando se morre essa pessoa virá de novo para a família.. dum simples obrigado que faz com
que todo o dramatismo da nossa cultura seja por si apagado e resumido a um simples sentimento
de felicidade porque estamos vivos e se estamos vivos podemos (no nosso caso) escolher como viver.

After staying out of Asia for a while it was without a doubt weird to see how this country developed.
In a place where there was no one has thousands of people, mixed cultures, all in all has a lot off
good but also a lot of bad, the food is a mix of all this, in every corner there is delicious food with
very specific flavours originally from this country, and next to it a mix with Italian, French, European
or Australian where he decided to be happy here…. On the other hand the construction in frightening.
You can still find empty paradises, but having that feeling that next time they will not be there.
Gigantic constructions right by the sea, rice fields transformed into huge hotels or warungs.
It was a big surprise to find everything so mixed up. One time I was in Asia but the next I was
in Europe, but the real essence of this people keeps real, thats what I believe in. While passing thru
a rice filed someone always raises a hand to greet you. The best you could say is 'Have a nice day',
the essence of one day at a time, and when someone dies it will come again to its family… from a
simple thank you that makes all the drama from our culture be erased and resumed to a simple feeling
of happiness because we are alive, and if we are alive we can choose (in our case) the way to live life.






Mas sobre o Páis e a sua cultura só la indo, respirando e observando é que se tira a nossa
própria história esta é a minha (nossa) e a forma como a vivi e retive.

But to the know the country and its culture you have to go there, by breathing the air and observe 
the people you make your now story. This is mine (our) story and the way we lived it and retained it.




Por fim... Junho acabou Julho é um mês que ansiamos há longos meses com um casamento
muito especial para nós, de passageiros que se tornaram amigos e De Alma e Coração vamos
poder contribuir com aquilo que gostamos e melhor conseguimos fazer, aquilo que escolhemos
para ser o nosso trabalho e a nossa vida! Por isso cada vez que pensamos neste projecto temos
de agradecer por ele estar vivo e por ele nos fazer sorrir... tudo o que é menos bom faz parte dele
e tem tanta importância como o melhor dele mas para lidar com isso temos que por vezes fazer
uma pausa para respirar!

Bali, Indónesia e a todos os que conhecemos nesta viagem... Terima Kasih, nunca é um
adeus é sempre um até já!!!

So… June is over, and July is the month we yearn for many months with a very special wedding
coming, with passengers that became friends From the Heart and The Soul, we will be able to
contribute with what we love doing, what we chose to be our jjob and our life! So every time we think
about this project we have to be thankful for it to be alive and to be able to make us smile…
Everything that is less good about it is also a part of it and has the same importance as everything
good about it,but to deal with it one has to make a break to come up for air!

Bali, Indonesia and to all that we met along this trip… Terima Kasih is never goodbye, it is always
seeyou next time!!!


19 Jul 15:40

Dirk-Jan Kinet

by RachaelWatts

The very dapper, Belgian born, Dirk-Jan Kinet, has experienced life as a nomad, moving from Italy, Portugal and Turkey, before settling in Mexico City almost two decades ago. Having started studying German Philology and Drama in earlier years, his passion and career in interior design was discovered later. Today he teaches styling applied to interior design at the Centro de Diseño, one of the most innovative universities in Mexico.

His beautiful home melds tradition with an eccentric flair and is located within the urban hustle and bustle of the city center. Reflecting his professional talents, the house immerses and transports its visitors upon entry. Each room has its individual character and expresses a different theme. Everything is of interest. Beds are used as sofas, wardrobes are used as bookshelves and anatomy dummies are on display as rare golden ornaments. One room called the night room has black painted walls, a stocked bar and dominating stain glass windows. Then there is the indoor garden filled with plants reflected in mirrored walls.

Classical music, prosciutto and beautiful artefacts envelop the senses as Dirk discusses the story behind some of his possessions. One of his favorite pastimes is discovering new objects. He is an expert in the search for antiques and beautiful things in Mexico City and has participated in a National Geographic program specifically on antique hunting. Above all, however, he is known internationally and about town as the man with exquisite taste who is responsible for many falling in love with his transformed spaces.

This portrait is part of our ongoing collaboration with ZEIT Online who present a special curation of our pictures on their site.

You grew up in Belgium. Can you talk a little about your childhood?
There’s not that much to tell about my childhood, I think it wasn’t pretty and funny and don’t ask me why, but I just wanted to be an orphan! I had one sister and six half brothers and sisters – who were all very kind to me, because I was the youngest of the family. However, I can’t help feeling that I didn’t do “good” in my family. Every time we went on vacation with our Peugeot I asked God for an accident, which never happened. That’s one of the reasons why I started traveling and living abroad from the age of 21 never to return. So I reallysort of became an orphan as I don’t have contact anymore with that part of my family.

So this was the main reason that led you to travel and live in Italy, Portugal, Turkey, and now Mexico, so far from your roots?
Yes I always dreamt of going somewhere exotic as a child. I remember that from a young age I drew clouds. I wanted to travel and move like the clouds. When I was in kindergarten I always escaped from school. I got lost once in the city park in a small provincial town and that was the first time I really felt free. I loved it. It was a burden when my eldest sister found me. When I was 21 I stopped studying and because I had no money, I went to work at Club Med in Switzerland. This is where it all started, that is, feeling the freedom of not having familiarities.

You studied German Philology and Drama, how did this lead to a career in interior design?
From the age of 14 I wanted to be a world-famous poet, and I was romantic and naive enough to think that at university I would be discovered as the new Shelley of the 20th century. This did not happen. At this age I also took drama classes at the Koninklijk Conservatorium, and that’s why, after the disappointment at the Vlaamse University, I participated in the entrance selection of the Royal conservatory in Brussels. Two hundred people applied and only 13 got in. I was one of them. At the end of the year the head principle of the drama section, Senne Rouffaer, told me that I only served very well alone on stage and that it would be better for me to go on a holiday. That’s where my life started.

How do you manage to live in Mexico City’s bustling downtown?
At first it was not difficult. All the people imagine that it’s a mess, but in reality it is not. Even with protest marches in the city, if you know the streets you can arrive to your destination really fast.

Why did you choose downtown to live?
When I arrived Mexico I used to lived in the Colonia Roma, which in those times was not so fashionable. I lived in the Plaza Rio de Janeiro, then in Merida Street. Later I went to Tijuana for six months and when I returned I decided to live downtown. I like to see old buildings, for me the past is very important. I like modern design, especially from the 1960s and 1970s, but I always need something old around me. I like old houses, in fact for me this house is quite young, as it is from 1870, the time of president Benito Juarez. I would love to have an older home.

What about earthquakes?
It’s okay, the building does not look very strong, but the house is very solid. The only thing that is in bad shape is the material on the facade. The Roma neighborhood fascinates me, but there are not many houses from the Porfirian times available. If you find a nice building, you have many neighbors or often it is in very poor condition and uneven. I like things to look symmetrical.

Tell us about some favorite objects in your home.
I really like these pictures with the word “Taller” repeated several times. Outside my home there are these guys, who shout “TALLER, TALLER” from 10am to 9pm. I can’t stand it. So I decided to make these paintings with those words on them, sort of like therapy. I was so angry with them, I even approached the authorities to remove them, but nothing works.

I lived for a while in Germany and bought this music box. It’s plastic and not expensive, but I bought it in the 90′s in a museum of mechanical instruments. When I moved here I lost it for almost five years, recently the person that helps me clean found it. The melody is the Eagle Eyes of The Sound of Music.

How would you describe the everyday aesthetic you find in Mexico?
90% of the city is ugly, for example the east is not very beautiful. So when you see something beautiful it is so outstanding. Here in the center I can find a lot of beautiful details. Behind the Cathedral buildings I always find very impressive things. There is too much visual noise, so when there is something beautiful, I realize it instantly. At a decorative level I also try to avoid any kind of noise, for example, I do not like shelves, as they get filled quickly with unnecessary objects.I love my books, and if you have a space in your home for a library that’s great, but if not, I’d rather put books in some nice bookcase with doors.

Where have you have found most of your treasures in Mexico City?
In the area of La Portales. There is a market there that is not so expensive and not many people go to it. Also in the Lagunilla. Everything is very expensive and yes there are many beautiful things but I do not always share the same taste. I love going to homes in the south. For example two years ago I went to the Rincón Gallardo family home that was filled with antiques.

You have completed some impressive restaurant fit-outs, do you have a favorite job you have worked on?
The most satisfying commercial job was Chef Enrique Olvera’s restaurant, Pujol. It is number 17 on the San Peregrine list of best restaurants in the world. He gave me carte blanche, and I painted his restaurant black. As the real artist that he is, he continues to ask me to bring in new pieces, so the restaurant is always changing.

The worst job was for a restaurant in New York. Initially they were very interested in my ideas, but there were a few dramas and conflicts. His wife bullied me and described my ideas as old-fashioned and anachronic. I decided never to show up for the meeting in New York after the owner’s son, one of the co-owners, told me in an email minutes before boarding the plane to JFK airport that my drawings were worse than a five year olds. So, I threw everything in the dustbin before boarding and instead had a five day holiday in New York. I was partly happy because I felt free again but it was also partly nightmarish because I felt like killing myself during the opera Simon Boccanegra. I only had a cheap standing room ticket! I finally finished the restaurant with my ideas from the first meeting but it didn’t last and now an Argentinian barbecue joint.

What are you working on at the moment?
I have various residential projects: a restaurant make-over for La Taberna del Leon of Monica Patiño and a family office for the Pietrini Family. I do this work simultaneously while also giving classes at the Centro de Diseño. I also help Marie Claire my dog with her business plans, preparing her own accessory-line for fellow dogs!

Your home interior has an eccentric yet traditional feel? How would you describe your design style and taste, or does this depend on the brief for every job with each individual client?
I think my home is only an example for people who give me free reign, carte blanche, and that doesn’t happen that often I´m afraid. With most of my clients I just listen what they want, and try to give them a house that is cozy, multifunctional, original , but very ” theirs”. I do always try to put my trademark on it, by introducing some odd details. I really don’t know how to describe my style. I think and hope it encapsulates a sense of “me”. Yes is it traditional in a sense, and yes, very eclectic, but also very harmonious, very complete, as in Gesamtkunstwerk, meaning not only what you see, but also what you hear and what you smell. I also aim for my work to be unpretentious.

You have an impeccable dress sense. Where do you buy your clothes?
Thank you! I have all my trousers tailor-made, I buy the fabrics at flea markets and from high end fabric stores such as Kravet. One of my last pairs was made with a Jonathan Adler linen fabric. But sometimes they are made from old curtains – inspired by the sound of music – or from tablecloths. My shirts are also tailor-made, very simply, with a lot of stripes and gingham in plain white and baby blues. I am sorry to reveal it but all my jackets are Zara! They are only ones that fit me like a glove. Many of my bow ties and ties are vintage and bought for less than one euro.

Like my clothes my perfume is also important. Aside from my classics that I have always used for decades, such as Habit Rouge de Guerlain and Equipage de Hermes, I like everything from L’artisan Parfumeur and Diptyque.

Who or what are the major inspirations in your life?
Cecil Beaton, Stephen Tennant and the Isle of Capri!

Do you have some favorite local places that you frequent?
I love the cafe at the Franz Mayer Museum and going to the the garden terrace at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Mexico City for Sunday brunch. My favorite interior shop is Urbana in Mexico City, but it is ridiculously expensive. I also like Blend, and Parada 54 in Polanco.

What do you miss about Europe?
The Belgian brown cafes! Not coffeehouses, but the cafes where you can get all types of Belgian beer, the french fries stands all over Belgium and the fact that you can travel easily and rapidly to all major cities in Europe. I especially love Paris and Berlin.

How do you get around the city?
Walking, cycling and the subway.

Do you have a special weekend getaway or holiday destination?
I haven’t taken a real holiday in years but if I want to escape from Mexico, I sometimes go to New York and got to all the operas in the Metropolitan Opera House, or to the beach Pie de la Cuesta near Acapulco, or San Miguel de Allende, which I love because of the climate and the antique shops. If I was a millionaire, every year I would spend June in Capri, July in Portugal and August in the south of France, but I’m afraid, I’m not a millionaire!

We follow Dirk-Jan to the Zocalo of Mexico City, just two blocks from his home. The whole neighborhood seems to know him and greet him. He is a stark contrast to the people around him. In his impeccable suit, he slowly walks alongside his dog, Marie Claire. We take a portrait with the flag of his adopted country in the background and part with a hug.

Dirk-Jan thank you so much for sharing your everyday life in Mexico and tour inside your stunningly decorated home.

This portrait is part of our ongoing collaboration with ZEIT Online who present a special curation of our pictures on their site. Have a look here.

Photography: Ana Hop
Interview & Text: Monse Castera
Translation: Martina Hemm

19 Jul 14:51

the shutterbugs: kimberly genevieve.

by victoria


i first met los angeles-based photographer kimberly genevieve when she emailed and asked if she might photograph me in my home a few years back. she was creative and talented and we had a lot of fun that day. since then i’ve seen her work all over the place, and quite often over on designlovefest (i’d recommended kimberly when bri was looking for new photographers to work with). kimberly’s work is so beautiful, and ranges from portrait work to interiors and travel has a newly designed website, so i thought i’d share some of my favorite interior images today. for her full portfolio visit kimberly genevieve.











19 Jul 14:40


19 Jul 14:20

by tommy

19 Jul 11:59

Mashnotes presents “Há mar e mar…” Mixtape

by Mashnotes



Canções para ir e voltar da praia.

Wipe out - The Surfaris
This Summer — Superchunk
Brimful of Asha (Norman Cook a.k.a Fatboy Slim Remix) — Cornershop
I bought my eyes - Ty Segall Band
Wayne County Hill Cop’s (Omar S Nix) - Omar S and Ob Ignitt
Coral blue - Converge
Midnight Confession – The Grass Roots
Skreamin’ Skull - Fleshtones
Similau – Martin Denny
Ya hey - Vampire Weekend
An Impression - No Age
Bam Bam - Sister Nancy


18 Jul 17:10

Rembrandt (alternate)

Rembrandt (alternate)

18 Jul 16:58


18 Jul 16:56


flamingos really piss me off like what the hell are they doing??????
lookin 4 tha party

[Reposted from elszpjeta via schottladen]

18 Jul 16:48

herekitty: Omg that skirt ^


Omg that skirt


18 Jul 16:44


by .
18 Jul 16:37

niknak79: Get a grip Dexter


Get a grip Dexter

18 Jul 16:30


18 Jul 16:30

When my friends & I are drunk and obsessed with each other

18 Jul 16:01


18 Jul 15:37

i’m jealous of minna resnick

by the jealous curator

Layers of textiles, photographs, and gorgeous key-line drawings. This is just a small fraction of the work that can be found on the site of New York based artist Minna Resnick. Her portfolio dates back to 1974!!! So yes… there’s lots of amazing work to see over there. Drawings, prints, ceramics, oh, and these:

Yep. That sounds about right!  These little vintage gems are part of Minna’s series {on souvenir hankies} titled “Family Vacation (Cambridge)” – I don’t know if I appreciate these more as an artist, or as a mother!

{Her work is represented in the permanent collections of the Brooklyn Museum, New York; the Denver Art Museum, Colorado; the New York Public Library; the Newark Museum, New Jersey; the United States Information Agency; the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England; and Kunsthaus Grenchen, Switzerland.}