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27 Feb 01:43

Criterion Games is giving away free ECTO-1's in Burnout Paradise in honor of the legendary Harold Ra

by Mike Fahey

Criterion Games is giving away free ECTO-1's in Burnout Paradise in honor of the legendary Harold Ramis . Owners of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game in North America can download the TV and movie themed "Legendary Cars" DLC for free today.



24 Feb 01:53

Wheelchair-Bound Woman Walks Again With a 3D Printed Exoskeleton

by Robert Sorokanich

Wheelchair-Bound Woman Walks Again With a 3D Printed Exoskeleton

In 1992, Amanda Boxtel suffered a vicious skiing accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. Doctors said she would never walk again. This week, she proved them wrong, with the help of the world's first 3D printed exoskeleton that gives her the ability to climb out of her wheelchair and walk once again.



22 Feb 08:07

Beautiful Found Object Cthulhu Lamp Sculpture

found-object-cthulhu-lamp-2.jpg This is the found object Cthulhu lamp sculpture crafted by French Canadian artist Karl Dupere-Richer. What a beautifully assembled pile of garbage. Want to bake your own Cthulhu? The ingredients!: PVC patio chair, 14 chair feet, one flowerpot, one umbrella base, two bike tires, 30 cans, many pieces of PVC pipes, one acrylic globe lights, some car body parts, a few pieces of garden hoses and about 1,000 devoured human souls.
I think the human souls thing was supposed to be a joke. Now, let's gather junk from around the house and make our own. Then when we're finished we can look at our creation and realize what a shitty job we've done because he have no business trying to make our own Cthulhu sculptures. I'll still make all my guests look at it, but I won't be proud. You know those painting classes that groups of girlfriends go to where they all paint the exact same flowery scene? It will be like that, except it will be the worst looking painting of all the friends. Wow, Cathy, who knew all these years you had so much artistic talent! "It sucks, doesn't it?" It might be actually be the worst painting in the world. Keep going for a ton more pictures including the piece looking magnificent hanging in a bar.
21 Feb 18:46

Color-Shifting Ferrofluid: Who Needs Aliens?

by Andrew Liszewski

Color-Shifting Ferrofluid: Who Needs Aliens?

Even though it has many real-world applications—like as a self-sealing lubricant—ferrofluid's most common use is as one really awesome desktop distraction. But when you've seen one black spiky blob, you've seen them all. So the creators of the new Fluux LiquiMetal toy have breathed some novelty back into ferrofluid by chemically engineering it to shift colors.



20 Feb 01:35

Military Drones Are Looking More and More Like Star Wars Characters

by Adam Clark Estes

Military Drones Are Looking More and More Like Star Wars Characters

When you think about military drones, chances are your mind conjures up the image of a grey airplane-shaped object with a windowless cockpit. But actually, combat drones come in all shapes and sizes—including some very futuristic ones.



20 Feb 01:32

Entire Wild Trees Grow On The Walls of These Hong Kong High Rises

by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan

Entire Wild Trees Grow On The Walls of These Hong Kong High Rises



19 Feb 06:22

Meet The (Unofficial) Team Fortress LEGO

by Luke Plunkett

Meet The (Unofficial) Team Fortress LEGO

They'll never get their own LEGO set - they won't even get their own Mega Bloks set - but the cartoon destruction of Team Fortress 2 is still perfect for the plastic block treatment.



17 Feb 11:19

Lesson #2030 - Slopes

It's funny how many people willingly jump off their trail to fall down into that canyon. Or actually come to a stop rather quickly, realize they didn't complete the rolling descent they had planned, and keep re-falling until they get where they want to go.

See, bigots? Slopes work both ways.

PHD UNKNOWN - my other webcomic about fierce creatures, biology, and grad school
SCIENCE THE WORLD - research on STEM education open to all K-12 educators

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17 Feb 00:11

And now, a pangolin cavorting in the mud

by Robert T. Gonzalez

Did you all know yesterday was World Pangolin Day? Somehow we overlooked it, and we're kind of ashamed about that. Because look at this thing. It's an armor-plated mammal, for crying out loud. To make up for the oversight, here's a video of a pangolin wallowing merrily in a pool of mud.



16 Feb 22:23

In Art Prints, Disney Villains Menace as Shadows

by Katharine Trendacosta

In Art Prints, Disney Villains Menace as Shadows

Artist Joe Alexander has created this gorgeous set of prints showing just how iconic the silhouettes Disney's animation has created. And my how they loom.



16 Feb 19:57

Remote Control Nerf-Firing Robots Are the Answer To Every Kid's Dream

by Andrew Liszewski

Remote Control Nerf-Firing Robots Are the Answer To Every Kid's Dream

Robots and Nerf, two toys that are the staple of every child's messy bedroom floor, are finally coming together in what could be one of the best (and safest) ways to harass your siblings, parents, and even co-workers. Because Hasbro's new Combat Creatures let you remotely unleash a barrage of foam darts from a safe distance.



16 Feb 01:01

Watch a fisherman catch a fish that gets stolen by a killer whale

by Casey Chan on Sploid, shared by Casey Chan to Gizmodo

Watch a fisherman catch a fish that gets stolen by a killer whale

Imagine going on a fishing trip with your buddies. Beers are had. Jokes are tossed. Fish are caught. And then a killer whale pops up out of nowhere to steal the halibut you just snagged to scare the hell out of you and give you an awesome story to tell. Digg found this video of a killer whale attacking a caught fish and it's incredible. It's not everyday you get to see such a beautiful beast steal your dinner plans.


15 Feb 03:15

Kola Borehole

Tonight's top story: Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, died in his home this morning at the age of [unintelligible rune]. Due to the large number of sharks inhabiting his former kingdom, no body could be recovered.
14 Feb 23:00

​Valve Now Letting Users Flag Steam Tags as "Abusive" and "Spoiler"

by Evan Narcisse

​Valve Now Letting Users Flag Steam Tags as "Abusive" and "Spoiler"

The rollout of Steam Tags has been full of highs and lows. It seems like for every funny or useful tag attached to a game, there's been a lot more that are mean-spirited or judgmental. It's been called out as a major failing of the system. Now, Valve's looking to do something about it.



14 Feb 22:45

Behind the firewall

by sharhalakis


by onfreeparking and others

14 Feb 21:43

While discussing STAR WARS...