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17 May 04:05

One of my previous bosses, the Archivist for the State of -redacted for privacy-, had one of these…


One of my previous bosses, the Archivist for the State of -redacted for privacy-, had one of these (or very very similar prototype format) that he kept in his briefcase.

Whenever someone in a meeting would say something along the lines of “we don’t need to worry about that/budget money for that/do that, everything is digital now!” He would pull this bad boy out of his briefcase and say “this has digital files on it, please access them. Oh, you can’t? Well what about this? or these?” And pull out a selection floppy discs and CD types.

And that is how he fought the good fight for a budget for the archives because digital preservation is expensive and difficult and there are a million different hardware and software types and technological obsolescence is a nightmare.

17 May 03:59


All the Sandy's turned into Hardees when I was a kid in the late 70's.

17 May 03:52

songofsunset: tree-whispering: I was actu...



I was actually just up in Ohio for the solar eclipse, and did you know, I’d never seen Spring before?

I thought I had, because down here in Florida we do get some flowers and nice green leaves as the weather shifts from cool to hot, but the trees are never bare and the flowers just blend in with the rest of the trees and in comparison this Actual Spring was some sort of magical wonderland, I swear to god, I’ve never seen anything like it

Apple blossoms???? are so pretty???????? the subtle changes of the colors, and they take up the whole tree and they’re so damn beautiful????????????????? I had never seen them before, we don’t have any apple trees down here at all, but now they might be my favorite flower

I’m familiar with cherry blossoms- we do have some cherry trees- but not like this. This tree was entirely pink and stood out so much! No leaves or anything on the trees, just flowers everywhere!!! I see why people like spring and cherry blossoms so much, I think.

And idek what these are but LOOK at that!!!!!!! Life and color!!!! Spring!!!!

So yeah. I went to Ohio and I thought it was beautiful and i wanted to share that with you. Your state is wonderful!!!

15 May 18:32

Dog Date


Dog Date

15 May 04:46

twlvie: william-snekspeare: huffylemon: h...





an important addition


15 May 03:57

Happy April Fool’s Day everyone!





based firemen

you sign up for the job because you want to save lives, and sometimes you get a chance to just be really, really, clear about “yes it is my job to save lives, there is an obstacle, and i am paid to use an axe to solve this problem”

My respect is for the emergency dispatcher who listened to what this kid was saying, and chose the correct emergency service for the request - didn’t bother with police, didn’t bother with the ambulance, just sent the fireys, because they’ll get the necessary job done easily and prevent the other two from being required.

14 May 17:01

petermorwood: knittings-and-things:wickedwonderlandd: Get off...




Get off my lawn you crazy kids!


What’s clear (to me, anyway) is that the otters aren’t scared of The Big Ginger Hairy Man With A Stick, and that the orangutan isn’t upset. 

If he got really fed up with their blanket-stealing attempts, he’s quite capable of taking his blanket up somewhere the otters couldn’t get at it.

This might happen in a while if his patience runs out, but it’s not happening right now because Whack-an-Otter is more entertaining.

14 May 16:31

guillermo del toro’s pinocchio is a beautiful film but my god no one has adapted that story like…


guillermo del toro’s pinocchio is a beautiful film but my god no one has adapted that story like neverafter. you can never look at it the same way again after listening to lou wilson, a black man, explaining that he chose to play as pinocchio because it’s a story about a little boy who isn’t allowed to make mistakes. that in pinocchio’s story, he is fundamentally barred from childhood at once upon a time. he must earn something that everyone else is granted from birth. the other boys get to tell lies and play and get into trouble, but when pinocchio does the same thing there are grave and violent consequences. his pinocchio is trying to understand why the world is so unfair, why the rules are so different for him, why everyone else gets to be a real boy.

and I think about it every day.

14 May 04:03

WOW!!! They have their priorities all fucked up



WOW!!! They have their priorities all fucked up

Police Departments seize property (via a really fucked up process, for starters they sue the property), and rather than sell the property and donate the proceeds to charity they keep it, because why shouldn’t uniformed murderous thugs have nice things

14 May 03:53

prettyinpinkcatgamer:prettyinpinkcatgamer: scloutier: yuleagin-n...







My conversations with children

Okay as a fifth year education major in a wheelchair who is constantly around very curious kids and very paranoid parents, this is single-handedly the greatest video I have ever seen!

A gentle reminder that accepting disabled people doesn’t mean ignoring their disabilities.

“That happens sometimes.”

I mean yeah it does.

also those crutches are 10/10 design

mobility help AND still being able to gesture and stuff.

14 May 03:46

Cuanto tiempo libre tiene la gente







Cuanto tiempo libre tiene la gente

these are the only kind of trick shots i want to see. where all the evidence of every previous failed attempt is clearly visible in frame.

I love the way he says JAAAAAAA! every time

This makes me think of the Honda ad “isn’t it nice when things just work” which apparently took over 600 takes

13 May 21:45

I hate witnessing the true width of cat legs.


We had a cat that got injured at the base of their tail, so the vet shaved the lower half of the tail completely; leaving the end of the tail alone. It looked just like a cattail plant.




I hate witnessing the true width of cat legs.

upon arriving home, the first thing Grim did was beg to be let into the kitten room, because she wanted to go in, eat all his kibble and get pancreatitis again, so nothing of value has been learned from this experience

she’s naked!!! they peeled her!

12 May 02:17

dduane: stalker-among-the-stars: cryoverkil...






“This is my weird son. He can’t climb for shit, but he is handsome and strong.”

#cats be like#is anybody adopt that#and don’t wait for an answer

Everything that isn’t food is a cat from the perspective of a cat. Cats can look upon the true form of eldritch monstrosities and keep their sanity. They’d just see another cat. A fucking weird-looking cat, but a cat nonetheless.

An always-reblog. 😄

11 May 22:30

Ahora quiero un mapache

by luisonte

Grew up with a pet racoon... she was orphaned when the mom got hit by a car (she was bottle raised). We actually got her from the DNR and they set us up with a Fur Farm license to make it legal (our vet gave her canine vaccines/etc).

11 May 22:21

rowanjasper: aster-is-confused: a-great-imm...





This is why I get so tired about “whose a real women” and “are transgender people real” and the like because it’s so irrelevant. We have group or people that have an insane suicide rate and we have a solution that reduces that by an insane amount.

No matter how you slice it no theoretical reason nor gender rhetoric can change the gender affirming care is improving more lives than it’ll ever hurt

i think this belongs here too

all the statistics are massively in favor of gender affirming care no matter how you slice it.

Adding to that last one bc that statistic made me feel nervous post top surgery- post surgical depression is an extremely common response to ALL SURGERY. You feeling really bad in the weeks after gender affirming care does NOT mean you made a mistake or even that you’re part of the regret statistic. Those knee surgery and back surgery folks also got it too!!

11 May 22:18

He was born “7 deez nuts”


He was born “7 deez nuts”

11 May 22:12

MeFi: This Is What Being in Your Twenties Was Like in 18th-Century London

by chariot pulled by cassowaries

Uhg! 18cennials...

This Is What Being in Your Twenties Was Like in 18th-Century London. A newly restored collection of letters describes a 27-year-old's office job, social life and financial concerns beginning in 1719.
11 May 22:08


It's a bug; not a feature

11 May 22:07

It is cold and rainy, but some magic is happening in the Chickadee box…

It is cold and rainy, but some magic is happening in the Chickadee box…

11 May 21:59

Pizza Ice Cream


better than pineapple...

11 May 19:42

11 May 19:37

1920s sand dollar print


Had several years of photography in high school and played with photo-emulsion you could paint on stuff, but mostly I just used different fabrics... Should have tried some more interesting objects


1920s sand dollar print

11 May 18:49


11 May 18:36

One more joke hate: You may claim to be a woman but biologically you are a featherless biped and thus a man.

Finally a good argument for why I'm actually a man






if you told diogenes the cynic about being trans he'd be like "lol that's a sick troll you're epic" and you'd be like "diogenes no i'm serious" and he'd be like "lol that's even better lmao those guys are so mad about it" and then he'd start going by new original neopronouns every single day specifically to piss off the whole symposium

I just had an idea for a really dumb comedy sketch where a transphobe starts ranting about what really makes a women a woman, and diogenes returns each time with a different cis woman or outwardly femme intersex person that doesn't meet the criteria saying "behold, a man!"

"a woman has XX chromosomes"

*Diogenes with an androgen insensitive XY cis woman*: behold, a man!

"Nono, a woman can bear children!"

*Diogenes with someone who has medical complications associated with pregnancy*: "behold, a man!"

"nono, a woman produces the large gamete"

*Diogenes with a postmenopausal cis woman* "behold, a man!"

Trans Rights With Diogenes! coming to PBS

Some idiot: only women can produce eggs!

*Diogenes holds up a chicken* Behold! A woman!


11 May 18:21

We drove into the desert to get away from light pollution. For about 20 minutes before we got to our…



Not back at a computer to edit the real photos yet, but the lights were visible in Southern California.

We drove into the desert to get away from light pollution. For about 20 minutes before we got to our spot we were seeing a light place in the sky - we couldn’t tell if it was the lights or the instrument panel reflecting on the dashboard.

When we stopped, it was obvious that we were seeing aurora borealis; it was faint, but visible - to a certain extent it *looked* like light pollution because it was an orangey-pink haze above the horizon, but there was visible banding and the light continually changed in intensity.

We weren’t able to photograph it at all on our cellphones, but we could see it unaided, though it was faint. The photos that I took where it is very visible are long exposures - for instance that photo of Large and Tiny Bastard was a 3-second exposure with a 3200 ISO where I swept them with a flashlight.

Green light was not visible to the naked eye, but the camera occasionally picked it up close to the horizon.

So it was *visible* in Southern California, but it didn’t look like what the photos are showing unless you were using a camera to capture it.

I just want to be very honest about this for the folks who were saying that they couldn’t see it or wondering what I did differently and were sad about it. What i did was drive a hundred miles into the desert with a prosumer DSLR, wide-aperture lens, a tripod, and three decades of photography experience.

You weren’t doing anything wrong and there’s a good chance that if you were close to a city you would *not* have seen it, even if you were north of me.

11 May 18:18

Bruce Munro: ‘Waterlilies’ (2012) …


I don't trust The Cloud, I keep all my music in The Pond


Bruce Munro: ‘Waterlilies’ (2012) Location: Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania

100 shining colorful waterlilies made of 65,000 recycled CDs float at Longwood Gardens in Kent Square, Pennsylvania creating a light installation.

11 May 18:13

Everyone needs uppies sometimes.

09 May 23:16

great-grandma’s norwegian meatballs and gravy recipe


My aunt always made swedish meatballs for xmas... being the fussy eater that I was, I'd wash the gravy off and dip 'em in ketchup.


great-grandma’s norwegian meatballs and gravy recipe

y'all remember that post about the person who fell out w their mom and posted her meatloaf recipe as revenge? well,

a small sheet of notebook paper with a handwritten recipe. the paper is torn, yellowed, and stained, and the cursive handwriting is barely legible.ALT

^ THIS is my mom’s copy of my family’s christmas eve norwegian meatballs recipe. i don’t even celebrate christmas anymore, lol

don’t worry, i transcribed and edited that mess into something more legible. here it is, under the cut:

Keep reading

09 May 22:50

actually for fusies, let’s make it a poll


At first I figured the $10k, but then I thought I could do the hustle for ~3 years and be able to retire with a nice place somewhere and have more than a $10k monthly allowance with a modest finance set-up


actually for fusies, let’s make it a poll

original post for context:

09 May 22:04

I was a Good Humor Man….which is funny cuz’ I am both lactose intolerant and have reactive…


Oooh, I'll take a choco taco or the chocolate eclair, please



There was a really cold day in March when I went into Manhattan to return library books and people were anxiously lining up at the ice cream truck in their winter coats and everything, just because it was there.

I was a Good Humor Man….which is funny cuz’ I am both lactose intolerant and have reactive hypoglycemia….much like keeping a eunuch in charge of the harem. I was driving it in my old neighborhoods getting high and giving some treats away to my friends and driving out to Ann Arbor to pick up my GF to fool around in the blistering hot un-air conditioned back.

Yes, the Simpsons had it right…..folks do pester you about “what costs a quarter?”

You have to know things like what is Kosher or not. Snoopy bars were Kosher….the Hulk was not. We went out of our way to get sno-cones for the Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in Oak Park, MI (almost considered part of the greater Southfield suburb system).