Shared posts

23 Apr 21:39

doberbutts: mulberryash-deactivated20210723: ...




Got pulled over because he “saw someone flash their lights at me” and it made him “think something was going on”. After he ran my paperwork and did multiple full walk-arounds of my car, he decided everything was in order and I was free to go. I just wanted to get home from work.

Living in MD got pulled over when I pulled into my landlady’s [100%, rich, suburban] community and questioned what my purpose was there. “I live here” was not an acceptable answer and I ended up needing to call my landlady to talk to the officer and convince them that I really did live there, in her basement inlaw apartment, courtesy of her granddaughter. When he finally let me go he told me he “actually” pulled me over because he “thought [my] headlights were out” but on “second glance” they were just fine. Dunno how you can mistake headlights being on or off.

And I know I’ve told the story of when one of my elderly white neighbors called the police on me for training my dog in a public use field and how even the cop that showed up thought the call was stupid and racist.

My dad got pulled over when I was still in a carseat because they thought it was “suspicious” that a grown man would have such a young child with him on a school day. He was driving me back to school from a doctor’s appointment. They made him get our of the car, lean against it, and searched both him and the car because they “smelled something” while he did his best to keep me calm and tell me that it was going to be okay. I was too young to understand what happened at the time. I just remember he was furious the entire ride back to school, and he was still mad when I got off the bus that afternoon.

It really is just Like This, being black in this country.

23 Apr 20:18


23 Apr 19:01

fuck-it-i-wont-respond: identifying-cars-in-posts: the-most-adorkable-smile: adamtheredbeard: pol...


I somehow missed both of those episodes













I will be 70 years old and I still will never have gotten over the time the Mythbusters used a rocket powered steel wall to - and I use this word as literally as possible - vaporize an entire car into red mist

If you haven’t seen this episode of Mythbusters I feel so bad for you because “What car?” remains to this day as a defining moment of my adolescence and my entire life

That was a near-religious experience 

I made a gif of it for those of you who cant watch the video in your country. Or if you know you just want to stare at it mesmerized like me

Oh wow they sure did vaporise that car into red mist


1994-1996 Ford Aspire


I’m partial to the “Can a Snowplow Split a Car in Two” one. The answer was “No”, so they naturally ramped it up. Which led to this

A rocket powered, sharpened steel wedge slicing a car (with its engine!) in two, right down the middle

@identifying-cars-in-posts what’s this one?

1988-1989 Honda Civic


23 Apr 18:00

today I learned that in 2008, the city council of florence overturned dante’s sentence of execution…





today I learned that in 2008, the city council of florence overturned dante’s sentence of execution if he returned from exile. yes, dante’s inferno dante, who died in 1321.

but the funniest part of this is not that they were debating the exile of a man who has been dead for over 500 years.

the funniest part is that the vote was 19-5. five people voted to uphold dante’s exile.

The objectively funniest part of this is actually that the city that holds his remains, Ravenna, refused to give his remains back. This was a ploy from florence to have his remains moved back for the tourist money and its been ongoing for a long time. Florence had a fake tomb built in the city to trick people into visiting, and have tried to force the return of the remains.

His actual caretakers have been very steadfast in keeping them hidden, moved, or generally out of reach to respect his choice in life to never, ever, ever return to florence, even when he was first offered the chance to return. This is at this point an almost millenium long feud that florence is really, really mad about losing

so basically the five people who wanted to uphold his exile were in the right

florence and the machinations

23 Apr 03:56

Eva Funderburgh



Eva Funderburgh

I thought I recognized this piece! I’m friends with Eva, she is just as delightful in person as her works.

This one is called “Drink Deep.” You can see more of her work here:

23 Apr 03:26



Folks always assumed I was Canadian when I moved to California, but I was never "pencil crayons" canadian

22 Apr 22:48

elodieunderglass: ach-xiv: juney-blues:todaysbird: adaginy:is-the-post-reliable: assuming-dinosau...














You wouldn’t think that flamingoes are extremophiles just from looking at them. It’s like somebody tried to build the vertebrate equivalent of that fungus that lives inside nuclear reactors, and ended up with a gangly pink dinosaur with a spoon for a face.

For everyone in the comments asking how flamingos are extremophiles:

Flamingos can survive in low oxygen, high altitude, high temperatures, low temperatures, high alkaline, they can and will drink boiling water and they can be completely frozen at night and still get up the next morning

Don’t fuck with flamingos

….. Didn’t know most of that

Huh… so that’s why zoos don’t put them somewhere warm during winter.

Oh yeah, this leaves out what I *did* know about them–they can also survive hypersalinity. That is, water so salty it kills practically everything else–water so salty it burns your skin.

American flamingos just drink that shit

(animal death) this is a real undoctored photograph (*though the body was stood up for the shot) of a dead flamingo on the surface of lake natron, a lake so salty and so alkaline that it’s naturally carbonated like soda and would eat through your stomach lining if you drank from it.

When this photo went viral years ago, most people assumed this poor flamingo must have been killed by the lake.

It is actually the lake where 75% of its global population are hatched. This is a photo from the same lake:

Some species of flamingo actually subsist almost entirely on a diet of bacteria! In other words, there is a species of dinosaur that eats only bacteria and lives in lakes so toxic they would kill almost anything else—and it is best known to the average person as a kitschy lawn decoration.

requested by anonymous:


Flamingos can survive in high altitudes, hypersaline conditions, and caustic lakes.

Source: ‘All flamingo species have evolved to live in some of the planet’s most extreme wetlands, like caustic “soda lakes”, hypersaline lagoons or high-altitude salt flats.’

They can survive water so alkaline it burns human skin.

Source: ‘More than a million lesser flamingos breed in Tanzania’s Lake Natron, for instance, a lake fed by hot springs with water so alkaline that it can strip away human skin (one pioneering flamingo researcher named Leslie Brown spent months in Nairobi General Hospital after burning his legs wading out to observe where the birds nested).’

They can drink water at near-boiling temperatures.

Source: ‘They can drink water at near boiling point to collect freshwater from springs and geysers at lake edges. If no freshwater is available, flamingos can use glands in their head that remove salt, draining it out from their nasal cavity.’

The lakes they inhabit can freeze overnight, and the flamingos can survive once it thaws in the morning.

Source: ‘The birds may seem to epitomize the tropics, but they also live in the Andes, 15,000 feet above sea level, where they rest on lakes that freeze around them overnight.

“You’ll see them sitting there like snowballs, frozen on ice,” Dr. Arengo said. “And as the temperature warms up, they thaw out, fluff themselves up and go about their business.”’

The photo is indeed from Lake Natron, taken by photographer Nick Brandt. The content of the lake chemically preserves animal corpses that die there. You can see more photos of this here.

It is also true that 75% of Lesser Flamingos are hatches on Lake Natron.

Source: ‘The lake’s landscape is surreal and deadly—and made even more bizarre by the fact that it’s the place where nearly 75 percent of the world’s lesser flamingos are born.’

Some species of Flamingo eat cyanobacteria or algae.

Source: ‘Flamingos have very specialised diets. And their food is responsible for their famous pink colouration. The two species in Planet Earth II eat a lot of floating microscopic algae, which contains carotenoid pigments, the same types of chemical that make carrots orange. These pigments turn their feathers pink, orange and red – without them, flamingos would be white.’

@todaysbird ??

yeah they’re just like that

information that is also important

I’m pretty sure that this just makes all flamingos qualify as “horrible things with legs” on principle alone. @elodieunderglass

One of the archetypal horrible things!

22 Apr 21:55

What if flat feet were…normal? Debunking a myth about injuries

by Gabriel Moisan, Professeur, Département des sciences de l'activité physique, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)
Over the years and to this day, many health professionals have supported the theory that flat feet pose a major risk factor for musculoskeletal disorders. (Shutterstock)

For many decades, if not centuries, researchers, medical professionals and the general population have believed that people with flat feet are more prone to developing a variety of problems.

Specifically, having flat feet was believed to predispose individuals to future pain and other musculoskeletal problems (i.e. to muscles, tendons and/or ligaments).

Flat feet were believed to be a kind of time bomb.

However, in a recent editorial published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, my research team challenges this myth. We demonstrate that the theory that having flat feet inevitably leads to pain or other musculoskeletal problems, is unfounded.

As a researcher in podiatric medicine at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), I will explain the main conclusions of our study here.

Where does this theory come from?

The idea that flat feet are a problem dates back centuries.

It was revived in the second half of the 20th century by the American podiatrists Merton L. Root, William P. Orien and John H. Weed, who popularized the concept of “ideal” or “normal” feet.

These clinician-researchers were the first to propose that if feet did not meet the specific criteria of normality (for example, a well-defined plantar arch, a straight heel in line with the tibia) they were abnormal, less efficient and more prone to injury because of multiple biomechanical compensations, such as greater arch flattening while walking.

This theory became central to the educational programs of health professionals. Although today it is gradually disappearing as modern curricula are updated, the theory was taught for almost five decades throughout the world, even though the scientific basis was weak. In fact, science has never validated the theory: it has remained at the hypothesis stage.

Nevertheless, over the years up until the present, many health professionals have continued to support the theory that flat feet pose a major risk for developing musculoskeletal disorders.

As a result, this idea is still firmly anchored in the beliefs of the general public.

Do flat feet cause musculoskeletal injuries?

Contrary to the theory of Root and colleagues, meta-analyses, the highest level of scientific evidence, have shown no increased risk of developing the vast majority of musculoskeletal injuries among people with flat feet.

These meta-analyses only identified weak links between having flat feet and the risk of developing medial tibial stress syndrome (pain in the tibia), patellofemoral syndrome (pain around the kneecap), and non-specific overuse injuries of the lower limbs.

That’s it.

Furthermore, a systematic review and a meta-analysis concluded that runners with flat feet are no more at risk of injury than those with regular feet.

These analyses call into question the idea that people with flat feet have a substantial risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders.

However, despite these findings, various sources such as grey literature, professional websites, forums and other media, often suggest that people with flat feet run a higher risk of injury, or even require treatment — even when they don’t have any symptoms.

Unfortunately, this frequently results in people having unnecessary interventions, such as using orthopaedic shoes or custom-made foot orthoses for asymptomatic flat feet. It also leads to significant concerns among patients about the appearance of their feet.

group of people running
Runners with flat feet are no more at risk of injury than those with regular feet. (Shutterstock)

Setting the record straight

Asymptomatic flat feet generally do not require the intervention of health professionals. Based on current scientific knowledge, assessing whether a person has flat feet to determine their risk of injury is ineffective and counterproductive.

While it is possible for a person with flat feet to develop a musculoskeletal injury, this does not necessarily mean that flat feet caused the injury.

It is quite possible for two variables to be present at the same time without there being a causal link. There is an important difference between a causal link and a correlation. A cause-and-effect relationship implies that a change in one variable (the cause) leads to a change in another variable (the effect). When two variables are correlated, changes in one variable may be associated with changes in the other, but this does not mean that one causes the other.

To illustrate the concept, let’s take the following example: we give 500 children aged six to 12 the same math test. By carrying out correlation tests, we notice a trend: the bigger the children’s feet, the higher their final mark in the exam.

This raises the question, does foot size really influence mathematical skills? Of course not!

Another variable that is not taken into account, age, plays a major role in this correlation. Since feet get bigger as we grow older, there is a strong but false correlation!

The same principle applies to flat feet. If a musculoskeletal injury occurs in a person with flat feet, current research indicates that flat feet are not necessarily the cause and that other factors need to be explored.

The link is one of correlation, not cause and effect.

Reducing overdiagnosis in health care

Reducing overdiagnosis in health care has become crucial. This phenomenon, defined as the diagnosis of a condition that brings no net benefit to the individual, constitutes a global burden with potential adverse effects on patients’ physical, psychological and financial well-being.

In financial terms, it is easy to understand that prescribing custom-made foot orthoses costing hundreds of dollars to prevent musculoskeletal injuries associated with asymptomatic flat feet, has a substantial negative impact. This is especially true given that the presence of flat feet only slightly increases the risk of developing these injuries.

To solve this problem, health-care professionals must help to reduce the overdiagnosis of flat feet by making a clearer distinction for their patients between harmless anatomical variants, and conditions of potential concern.

Since overdiagnosis often leads to overtreatment, avoiding unnecessary treatments will help to alleviate patients’ concerns about their flat feet.

Finally, we must abandon the outdated idea, still widespread, that says having flat feet is a problem that exposes individuals to a high risk of musculoskeletal injury. It’s time to change our perspective and our approach to the significance of flat feet and to recognize their natural diversity in the context of overall foot health.

Above all, it’s time to consider asymptomatic flat feet for what they are…simply an anatomical variant!

La Conversation

Gabriel Moisan is a member of the Ordre des Podiatres du Québec (College of Podiatrists Québec). He has received funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the War Amps of Canada and the Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR).

22 Apr 21:18

My latest New Scientist cartoon.


Panel one: A scientist in an office, taking
"Alan keeps a secret stash of biscuits in the faraday cage, Daniela takes afternoon naps in the cyclotron and Sanjay uses the supercomputer to run his fantasy football team."

Panel Two: Across the table from him, his boss listens then clarifies "I really meant 'Have you made any interesting SCIENTIFIC discoveries in the lab?'"ALT

My latest New Scientist cartoon.

22 Apr 05:14

babyanimalgifs:My new fav video


My new fav video

22 Apr 03:55

Whether fruit flies can have a culture.


Every time I see a fruit fly sex panopticon it is an automatic share...






does it indicate anything about me that I immediately recognized what paper this figure is from

so I had to immediately go and pull this other amazing figure from the paper, which is “THE HEXAGON” a device with six rooms for fruit flies to have sex in and a central room for a fruit fly to observe six couples having sex at once

they made a fruit fly sex panopticon and no one told me about it, what is science education coming to

Now I must know, what the hell were they trying to determine with this paper???

Whether fruit flies can have a culture.

22 Apr 01:31

taxchurchesfundnasa: 40ouncesandamule: meme...


one of those things I learn and forget...




Texas gave up that land so they could keep slavery:

“When Texas sought to enter the Union in 1845 as a slave state, federal law in the United States, based on the Missouri Compromise, prohibited slavery north of 36°30’ parallel north. Under the Compromise of 1850, Texas surrendered its lands north of 36°30’ latitude.”

Tell me more about how critical race theory shouldn’t be taught in school.

I am a grown ass man and I just learned about this 5 minutes ago.  Fuck everything about trying to hide the sins of our past.

19 Apr 04:56

Splitrock lighthouse, Lake Superior, Two Harbors, Minnesota.


Splitrock lighthouse, Lake Superior, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

19 Apr 04:49


19 Apr 04:02

madeline-the-bisexual-samurai: cipheramnesia:...





This linguistic problem is only going to continue getting worse unless we fuck it in the ass now.

We could have sucked it out the ass earlier.

lets strum it in the bass right now

18 Apr 22:26

Your daily reminder



Your daily reminder

it’s official, genAI is now called PISS

18 Apr 21:51

millenniallust4death:leavescrown: xn3city:millenniallust4death:m...






I’m paying to force seven thousand strangers to see a photo of my late husband having fun with his dog. Tumblr Blaze is totally worth it. XD

Thank-you to all of my new Internet stranger friends for being so gracious about having my post shoved onto your dashboards. I loved reading all of your kind tags and comments! Both Martin and Bosco have been gone for several years now but for 24 hours, they felt very present in my life. I greatly appreciate this gift. ❤️

Reblog to have your dashboard be visited by the spirit of joy that death can end but not erase.

Love that this is well beyond 7000 people now and still going

@leavescrown Exactly! It’s a beautiful gift. Martin and Bosco out there travelling around the Tumblr community, continually making new friends.

17 Apr 22:47

Honda Life Pick-Up, 1973. Honda’s first generation kei pick-up was powered by a 360cc straight 2…


Honda Life Pick-Up, 1973. Honda’s first generation kei pick-up was powered by a 360cc straight 2 cylinder engine, weighing only 550kg to had a payload of 375kg. It was a sales disaster with only 1,132 units produced, it was withdrawn from the market in 1974

17 Apr 22:41

¡Increíble magia!

17 Apr 19:36


17 Apr 18:58

geologyin-blog: Iris agate is a truly stu...


Iris agate is a truly stunning variety of agate that displays a rainbow of colors when held up to light.

Photo: Yanzz_Crystals

17 Apr 15:40

They should call leaving the group a Mike Drop





My coworker Mike just started cracking up. Informed us someone was trying to make a test Outlook group at work and seems to have accidentally made it a real Outlook group.

Everyone added to the group is named Mike.

Creator of the group isn’t online yet but the Mikes are coming online in droves.

“Why was I added to this group? What do I have in common with all these other Mikes?” -one of the Mikes

“Ah, so this is Mikerosoft” (<- you’re never gonna guess what company I work for)

One Mike has suggested this is an effort by the group-creator to hunt Mikes for sport

They should call leaving the group a Mike Drop

17 Apr 15:21

70rgasm: August 4, 1979: Iron Maiden, an unknown British...


August 4, 1979: Iron Maiden, an unknown British heavy metal band, place an ad in Melody Maker to find a second guitarist  

17 Apr 14:36

chopnuts: so-much-for-subtlety: mathew: ...





17 Apr 14:20



Used to squeeze it out of watch batteries so I could play with it... Often lost it in my bedroom carpet.

17 Apr 13:37

why-animals-do-the-thing: rainnecassidy: kedreeva: kropotkinde...





2015 - Here are some gifs of Donald Trump being attacked by a bald eagle named Uncle Sam, literally the least patriotic thing that can happen to an American. [video]

I’m reblogging this again because I finally realized why this is so funny to me, as a bird person.

In the first gif, what you’re seeing is a man who has zero idea how to handle a bird. That’s a heavy bird, and he’s got his arm stretched out as far as it will go in an attempt to keep the bird away from his face. What that does is create unstable footing for Uncle Sam. The handler is there trying to hold up Trump’s arm, but the bird has already realized it needs to leave or it will fall. In the first gif the bird is not attacking Trump- it is trying to get away from him so it doesn’t get hurt.

In the second gif, what we see is a bird that remembers what just happened and is blaming Trump for it. Uncle Sam sees Trump reach for its tether, and makes a lunge at Trump’s hand to keep him away. The bird /does not/ want to hang out with Trump because it has learned that Trump has no idea what he is doing.

Uncle Sam is rejecting Trump based on Trump’s proven inability to properly handle Uncle Sam. And that is both hilarious and beautiful.

Good bird.

Always reblog Uncle Sam telling Trump to fuck off

This is a better explanation of these gifs than I could have given!

12 Apr 03:40

derinthescarletpescatarian: writing-prompt-s: Your roommate is so bad at pretending to be a human,...



Your roommate is so bad at pretending to be a human, you’ve started to just automatically back him up in public. Tonight he tells you how nice it is to know the only other alien in the city, and you have to break the bad news

It started pretty simply. “Needs more plutonium,” your roommate said on your third day of university as you ate noodles together. Then he froze, staring at you, the colour draining from his face.

A weird joke to pull out, sure, but not panic-weird. You grew up a nerd. Your in-jokes are weirder. This guy, you decide, is unbelievably shy. Might have had bad experiences. Or social anxiety maybe.

You just give him a reassuring grin. “Definitely needs more plutonium,” you agree, and take a big bite of noodle, and something in him relaxes and he looks at you with a strange kind of understanding that you can’t really interpret, and from then on, you have a new close friend.

Keep reading

11 Apr 22:34


11 Apr 19:05

If the government really wanted to actually cut down on vape usage they would force manufacturers to…


If the government really wanted to actually cut down on vape usage they would force manufacturers to add an unmutable slide whistle sound effect that played every time you take a hit

11 Apr 16:25

reasons to love harrison ford


He belongs in a museum









1. hates donald trump
2. got his ear pierced at claires because why not
3. legit asks people to beat him up in action scenes EVEN NOW AS AN OLD MAN
4. is arguably one of the most iconic star wars characters yet couldnt give less of a crap abt star wars
5. the universe tried to kill him (or at least permanently incapacitate him) twice in 2015 and it only mildly inconvenienced him
6. flies helicopters in search and rescue missions
7. was in his 40s for the majority of the indiana jones series which is insane when you think about all the stunts involved
8. quote “the director yells cut and harrison cracks open a beer and then builds a fucking shed”
9. arguably sexy
10. points angrily and its super effective

11. is just a really sweet person
12. no really my dad worked with him on firewall as the tech advisor and he was just a really swell guy
13. got my mom’s birth date from my dad and sent her flowers
14. he sent my mom flowers for her birthday
15. he didn’t even know her he just wanted to be sweet

this was a beautiful and necessary edition to this post thank you oh my god


Originally posted by yourreactiongifs

When he was asked to be in Jimmy Kimmel’s “I’m Fucking Ben Affleck” video, in which he pulled up alongside them in a car and gave Jimmy a little wink and an air-kiss, when he showed up at the set he looked kind of put out. Kimmel was afraid he wasn’t down with what they were asking. But he just said, “I don’t know, this wardrobe…don’t you have anything mesh that I could wear?”

When he was filming “Witness” he rented a small farm from a friend of mine. At the end of the filming my friend went and checked out the property as usual. He noticed the barn door had been leveled so it no longer would swing open on it’s own. Went into the house and saw the closets had been redone, in the kitchen the cabinets had been replaced and all the drawers now opened really well. Turns out that there were thousands of dollars of work and materials put into fixing up everything at the place.

My friend called Ford and asked him how much he was asking for the work. Ford told him doing that kind of thing helped him relax and stay sane when he was filming. Would not take a dime. Plus he paid for a new water heater and got the sewage system cleaned out.

And he paid rent to live there the entire time.

Local Carpenter Stumbles Into Stardom, Worries This May Interfere With His Carpentry