Shared posts

21 Jan 17:07

Cute For Stress Photo By Fotohudo

21 Jan 17:07


21 Jan 17:07

Never Ignore Your Passion

21 Jan 15:40

Patch Visual Identity

by abduzeedo
Patch Visual Identity

Today we featured a visual identity project titled Patch designed by Warren Tey, a student in Visual Communication in Nanyang Technological University, School of Arts, Design and Media in Singapore. Patch is a psychological clinic. Patients are often known mentally ill but psychologists say they are emotionally wounded. To patch means to seal a wound or repair a computer glitch. To patch is the concept:

  • patching mental glitches
  • patching emotional wounds

For more information visit

20 Jan 16:34

O mistério foi revelado?

by Pedro Pezte


Atualmente a crença por detrás da misteriosa construção das pirâmides, é que foram feitas com blocos gigantes e os mesmos instalados a partir de enormes rampas. 

Peter James, um engenheiro galês da Cintec Internacional trabalha há 20 anos na manutenção das pirâmides do Egito. Sua teoria revolucionária assegura que elas foram construídas em uma base pequena, que depois recebeu uma série de blocos gigantes pela parte de fora. Peter diz que a maioria dos arqueólogos acredita que as pirâmides foram construídas com 2 milhões de blocos, ou seja, os egípcios teriam que ter colocado cada pedra gigante a cada 3 minutos, fora que precisariam das tais rampas – coisas que nunca foram achadas. O engenheiro acredita que 90% das pedras utilizadas eram escombros amontoados, e só depois eram cobertos por pedras gigantes.

Ou seja, de dentro para fora, as pirâmides foram construídas por meio da acumulação de entulhos.

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19 Jan 22:53

Kitty Cat Laundromat

by pyrit

To Our Customers: Do not place children in washing meowchines. Management will not be responsible for any damages due to the prosh asplosion.

Via YouTube.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Interspecies Snorgling, Kittens, Primates
19 Jan 00:03

Just 28 More Flavors and You’ve Got a Baskin Robbins

by Not That Mike The Other Mike

Scientists at the Institute for Advanced Ice Cream Studies have announced an unusual breakthrough: a cat that gives Neapolitan milk.

This photo has Nothing to do with Arbroath.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Kittens
18 Jan 19:10

Caturday: Make Mine Sausage, Please

by Brinke

[Honey, I left the last slice of Domino's on the chair for you!]
[OK, thanks Ma, be there in a second.]

Anthony (the cat version) has other ideas.

“This is Anthony. He thought it would be a good idea to fall asleep on Anthony’s piece of pizza. No joke, the cat and the boy are both named Anthony. Just go ahead and lay anywhere, cat.” -Jen S.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Caturday
18 Jan 15:12

A Maldives Beach Awash in Bioluminescent Phytoplankton Looks Like an Ocean of Stars

by Christopher Jobson

A Maldives Beach Awash in Bioluminescent Phytoplankton Looks Like an Ocean of Stars nature Maldives light beach

A Maldives Beach Awash in Bioluminescent Phytoplankton Looks Like an Ocean of Stars nature Maldives light beach

A Maldives Beach Awash in Bioluminescent Phytoplankton Looks Like an Ocean of Stars nature Maldives light beach

A Maldives Beach Awash in Bioluminescent Phytoplankton Looks Like an Ocean of Stars nature Maldives light beach

A Maldives Beach Awash in Bioluminescent Phytoplankton Looks Like an Ocean of Stars nature Maldives light beach

A Maldives Beach Awash in Bioluminescent Phytoplankton Looks Like an Ocean of Stars nature Maldives light beach

While vacationing on the Maldives Islands, Taiwanese photographer Will Ho stumbled onto an incredible stretch of beach covered in millions of bioluminescent phytoplankton. These tiny organisms glow similarly to fireflies and tend to emit light when stressed, such as when waves crash or when they are otherwise agitated. While the phenomenon and its chemical mechanisms have been known for some time, biologists have only recently began to understand the reasons behind it. You can see a few more of Ho’s photographs over on Flickr.

17 Jan 15:39

Facebook começa a lançar seus Trending Topics

by Denise Helena

trending topics

Os Trending Topics do Twitter nos permite conhecer os assuntos mais comentados a nível global ou em países determinados dentro da própria rede de microblogging, e são determinados por um algoritmo próprio do Twitter.

E isso chegou ao Facebook, só que será diferente, já que os novos Trending Topics serão determinados de forma personalizada a cada usuário, assim, os assuntos oferecidos são diferentes dos dos outros usuários, levando em conta variáveis como os “curtir”, as redes de contatos, o lugar onde moram e outros aspectos pessoais.

Segundo declara o engenheiro Chris Struhar em uma conversa por telefone a VentureBeat, até agora não foi possível ver as conversas mais interessantes em todo Facebook, pretendem começar a personalizar o conteúdo baseado no que os usuários estão interessados em ver.

É por isso que agora começarão a mostrar essa nova funcionalidade, os Trending Topics do Facebook, em uma série de países, aparecendo na parte acima à direita dos muros. Agora estará disponível só na versão desktop embora já estejam testando para poder levar aos aplicativos móveis.

Para saber mais detalhes é só dar uma olhada na nota oficial do Facebook

Artigo escrito no
Acompanhe também as notícias pelo twitter: ou pelo RSS

17 Jan 14:55

Schwarzenegger no Balé

by Janara Lopes


4 de outubro de 1976. Uma aula de balé com o Arnoldinho.

“Arnold Schwarzenegger tem uma aula de balé com a dançarina Marianne Claire, durante as filmagens de Pumping Iron, documentário sobre fisiculturismo, em Nova York.” – AP Photos





Aqui embaixo tem o doc completo. O comecinho é a aula que aparece nas fotos acima.

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17 Jan 14:51

Existe amor na Rússia

by Pedro Pezte


A fotógrafa russa e mãe de dois filhos Elena Shumilov, capturou belos momentos de seus pequenos interagindo com vários animais em sua fazenda.

Ela consegue transportar o espectador para um mundo de conto de fadas, com suas fotos desses pequenos carinhas e seus companheiros peludos, emplumados e macios na bela paisagem rural.

“Quando estou fotografando prefiro usar a luz natural – dentro e fora dos lugares. Eu amo todas as condições de luz – a luz da rua, da vela, a neblina, a fumaça, chuva e neve – tudo o que dá uma profundidade visual e emocional à foto.”











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16 Jan 16:24

Playground para bichanos

by Pedro Pezte


A company de design alemã Goldtatze (Pata de Ouro), é especializada em transformar salas e playgrounds para gatos. 

Eles adicionam pontes de madeira, redes, postes de arranhar, e até túneis. Cada “instalação” para os felinos, oferece uma variedade de salas, e outros lugares pra suas tão necessitadas sonecas.








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16 Jan 13:28

GIFtime: ataque

by Janara Lopes


16 Jan 13:23

Magicalnaturetour: Two Big Muzzles By Lion-Redmich

16 Jan 13:11

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead

by Christopher Jobson

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Severe Skies: The Photography of Storm Chaser Mike Hollingshead weather lightning clouds

Just a cursory glance at a few storm photos by Mike Hollingshead and it’s clear this guy has probably seen it all, and probably put his life at risk to do so. The intrepid storm chaser has been enduring foul weather since the late 90s, clocking some 20,000 miles a year in his car as he stalks thunderstorms and other extreme weather occurrences waiting to capture the perfect shot. Hollingshead shares his story with Jakob Schiller over at Raw File, and you can see hundreds of his photos, many available for purchase as prints, over on his website. All images courtesy the artist. (via Raw File)

14 Jan 23:05

10 Surprising Benefits Of Cuddling That Make You Want To Cuddle Someone Now

by Allison Renner

It’s no secret that cuddling makes you feel good when you’re in a new or established relationship. It’s also something that you miss greatly when you’re single. But did you know there’s actually a scientific reason for that? It’s true! There are many surprising benefits of cuddling—so read on, and you’ll want to cuddle someone right now!


1. Cuddling releases oxytocin.

Oxytocin is a hormone that does everything from making you feel good to helping you feel connected to others. Oxytocin is crucial in the act of cuddling, as you’ll see from its benefits popping up in the list below.

2. Cuddling boosts your immune system.

When you’re so in love you feel invincible, you’re experiencing oxytocin release. This feel-good hormone makes you feel like nothing can hurt you—which is an amazing benefit! It also increases hormones that help fight infection. So, basically, you’re boosting your immune system because you’re feeling too good and healthy to get sick. The power of positive thinking—and feeling loved and secure—actually works!

3. Cuddling relieves pain.

Just as it boosts your immune system, cuddling and releasing oxytocin will decrease your pain levels. Whenever your neck hurts, what do you do? Rub it, right? Even simple touches like that release enough oxytocin to make you feel better, so imagine the effect cuddling has!

4. Cuddling helps deepen your relationships.

Communication is important in relationships, but people often forget how effective and meaningful touch can be. When your career is so stressful you come home and can’t stop thinking about the job, you’re taking a negative toll on your relationship. Instead, imagine coming home and cuddling with your partner for even ten minutes a day. This brief break from the stress of everyday life will not only give you all the other benefits listed here, but will also deepen your relationship. You’ll be taking time to focus solely on your partner and what you feel for them.

5. Cuddling can lead to more.

Even non-erotic touch can release dopamine, which is a hormone that increases sexual desire. Getting a sweet hug or massage from your partner after a long day can lead to more, which is win-win for both of you! Regular sexual activity will strengthen your relationship as well. Also, sex is a good stress reliever, and an easy way to get in some physical activity.

6. Cuddling helps women bond.

Have you heard the term “oxytocin” in relation to childbirth and breastfeeding? It’s because this chemical doesn’t just inspire good feelings between couples—it also works for women and their babies. Oxytocin helps relax the mother, so that breastfeeding may come more easily. It also enables sleep, even when the mother might have difficulty sleeping with a newborn in the house.


7. Cuddling reduces social anxiety.

Oxytocin inspires positive thinking. It helps you have an optimistic outlook on the world. Which means when you get a hug right as you arrive at the party where you only know one person, you’re going to feel happier and more social going in. You’ll feel like you can charm everyone at the party. And with oxytocin coursing through your system, you will!

8. Cuddling reduces stress.

It’s obvious by now, right? Oxytocin is an amazing natural hormone that has so many benefits for the human body. It’s only natural that all these positive effects are going to release stress, also. You’re feeling more connected with your partner, you’re feeling confident in social situations, your immune system is stronger—what do you have to be stressed about? You have a great, cuddle-filled, loving life. Enjoy it!

9. Cuddling lowers your risk of heart disease.

Yup—oxytocin again! All the benefits listed above add together to mean less stress, less anxiety, lower blood pressure and—you got it—a lower risk of heart disease! Because your heart is happier and not working as hard to combat the effects of stress and sickness, you’ll be healthier, longer.

10. Cuddling doesn’t have a definition.

Cuddling doesn’t have to be between you and your romantic partner. It doesn’t even have to be with another person—you can rub your own shoulders! You can also hug friends or play with your pets. If you don’t want to be social or don’t have a furry friend, never fear! You can take a warm bath or get a massage. Feeling warm and connected by some sort of touch is enough to release oxytocin into your system and get you feelin’ good!

The health benefits of touching are far and wide, so I’d like to convince you to increase the cuddle time with the loved ones in your life. I invite you to consider the top six reasons you need to be touched. 6 Surprising Reasons You Need to Be Touched: Hug Somebody Today!

The post 10 Surprising Benefits Of Cuddling That Make You Want To Cuddle Someone Now appeared first on Lifehack.

13 Jan 23:32

The World of… The Future!

by Not That Mike The Other Mike

Need a lift in the future? Just hop aboard the fully-automated Skatetronics Transport System, and enjoy door-to-door convenience day or night.


Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: GIF of the Week, Kittens
13 Jan 18:32

C. S. Lewis

"We are what we believe we are."
12 Jan 03:39


11 Jan 21:35

Slow-Motion Masterpiece Captures Bags of Spices Exploding in Time with Music

by DL Cade

It’s only January 11th, and we’ve already found a piece of slow-motion cinematography that might just remain our favorite of 2014. Created as a commercial for Schwartz Flavour Shots, this slow-motion video dubbed “The Sound of Taste” is a beautiful combination of cinematography and pyrotechnics that creates what filmmaker Chris Cairns calls “an audiovisual feast.”

To create this ‘feast,’ Cairns was joined by musician MJ Cole and pyrotechnician Paul Mann. Together, they set about deciding how to best put together a half-visual, half-auditory symphony that would perfectly capture what it is like to experience tasting something.

What they settled on was a commercial that would show clouds of spices exploding into the air in slow-motion, perfectly synchronized to the music Cole had written. Here’s a behind the scenes video describing the process:

What does flavour look like? How does it sound? These are the questions that inspired herb and spice experts, Schwartz, to create what they describe as a ‘Sonic Flavourscape’.

Several tons of black peppercorns, cardamom, turmeric, paprika, cumin seeds, ginger, chilli and coriander were rigged to explode in perfect sync with a bespoke musical composition. Each explosion represents an individual piano note or chord, which when filmed at high-speed, creates a surreal three-dimensional sound scape.

Yesterday we said that if ever a video deserved the title of “mesmerizing,” Adam Magyar’s Stainless videos were it. Today we add this commercial to that list.

At the end of the BTS video, musician MJ Cole is heard saying, “I hope people just find it a satisfying, vibrant, colorful, exciting thing to watch.” If we’re anything to judge by, Mr. Cole’s wish came true with (pun forthcoming) flying colors.

(via Laughing Squid)

11 Jan 18:28

coca-cola - antes era assim

by benjamin júnior

 Coca Cola Publicidade Marketing Anuncios Comunicacao
Há uns bons anos, os anúncios da Coca-Cola eram assim... cheios de Glamour e um espelho da sociedade de então. Ao vermos estes anúncios com quase um século, apercebemo-nos das evoluções drásticas de fazer publicidade, tornando claro que existe de facto uma forte ligação entre o conceito publicitário, a forma de comunicar e a sociedade. O curioso é que décadas passadas, com formas diferentes de comunicar, com uma sociedade completamente diferente, sentimo-nos atraídos por estas imagens. Nostalgia?

Ler o artigo completo
11 Jan 00:21

Who Knows

by pyrit

Who knows when,

Who knows where,

8720833211_619f9a26f9_z (1)
Who knows why.

Who knows what. Who knows everything!

“I got some great shots of the owls that have been living on our school playground in Golden, CO where I am a teacher’s assistant. I can’t believe they have decided to take up residence in our trees considering the children are quite loud when they are outside for recess! They (the owls- and some of the kids) are super adorable. The babies are Hooter, Scooter, and Pooter! The mom is just… mom.” -Amanda M. B.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds, Owls
10 Jan 13:58


10 Jan 13:51

Embed no novo Google Maps

by Lucas Haas

O Google atualizou de vez o Google Maps, dessa vez sem volta ao antigo. Saiba como incorporar um mapa personalizado ao seu site

Desde a metade do ano passado, o Maps do Google vem recebendo mudanças, que anteriormente poderiam ser vistas pela opção do usuário. Agora é definitivo: O novo Google Maps veio pra ficar.

A mudança visual no geral não foi radical. O que mudou mesmo foram os modos de visualização, integração dos mapas e o modo como as APIs se comportam. Ele está otimizado e um pouco lento, e a simples tarefa de implementar um mapa no site ficou mais trabalhosa.

Anteriormente, bastava clicar em uma opção “embed”, escolher as opções de tamanho e pronto! Código gerado. Agora a opção share só permite compartilhar o link do mapa com amigos do Google+ ou enviar por email. Para “embedar” um trecho do mapa em uma página externa, você vai precisar de uma ferramenta chamada Maps Engine Lite (?)

Trata-se de uma ferramenta criada para você salvar seus próprios mapas. Não entendo muito bem o motivo disso, acho um tiro no pé, mas devo afirmar que o modo de personalizar os pins e objetos no mapa ficou mais facilitado.


Fazendo o embed de um mapa

Abra o Maps Engine Lite e clique em criar um novo mapa. Você será direcionado a uma tela semelhante ao Maps comum. Coloque na barra a localização que deseja. Para configurar, siga os passos:

Clique na imagem para ampliá-la.

Clique na imagem para ampliá-la.

Feito isso, clique no botão verde “Share” no canto superior direito. Altere a opção de privacidade para “Público”, clicando em change.


Agora você poderá incorporar o mapa ao seu site. Clique no ícone da pasta no canto superior esquerdo e em seguida verá finalmente o botão Embed.


Infelizmente, as opções de customizá-lo visualmente praticamente não existem. Ele entrega o código pré-formatado, sem muita opção de customização. Você pode alterar o formato nas propriedades do wireframe posteriormente. Após feito isso, você pode notar uma barra preta na área superior do mapa, onde consta o nome dado ao mapa e um ícone para visualização fullscreen. Até o momento, não encontrei formas de escondê-la. Talvez numa atualização futura.

Mapa 100%

Muitas vezes precisamos de uma fluidez em objetos, algo que não se pode fazer com as propriedades de tamanho incorporadas ao iframe. Para resolver esse problema, acrescentamos uma div e estilizamos ela com uma linha em css.


<div class=”fluid_map”>

[ o código do seu embed aqui ]



.fluid_map iframe {  width: 100%; height: 300px; border: none; position:relative;}


Fazer o embed tornou-se uma tarefa pouco mais complicada, porém, a inclusão de pins e demais elementos ficou melhor. Como sabemos, o Google é uma caixinha de surpresas e quem sabe isso torne mais simples no futuro novamente? ;)

Confira o artigo original publicado pelo Choco La Design: Embed no novo Google Maps

08 Jan 13:38

Venice As Seen From Above

by savannah
The picturesque city of Venice is defined by the maze of canals and bridges that separate and link the 118 islands to and from one another. Currently, over 270,000 people call the scenic Italian city...

Click through to see the full post!
07 Jan 21:03


07 Jan 21:03


07 Jan 20:57

Alternate Reality Toesday

by pyrit

There are two sides to everything – welcome to the Toesday Underworld. You are now in another dimension; where shadowy reflections in surreal nether regions bear a vague resemblance to free floating cat’s paws that don’t obey laws of physics – oh wait …









Via Twenty Two Words and  The Cat Scan.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Kittens, Toesday
07 Jan 20:54

Lego dos Simpsons

by Breno Pires


Pode ser que em breve role por aí um kit oficial de Lego baseado nos Simpsons. Em setembro do ano passado a marca já havia comentado que pretendia produzir algo do gênero. Eis que ontem vazou na internet uma imagem do tal conjunto especial. A foto (acima) mostra a casa e o carro da família Simpson, além de personagens da série (Homer, Marge, Sr. Flanders, Bart, Lisa e Maggie). Só faltou o cachorro e o gato! Enfim, se for verdade mesmo, são 2523 peças para você montar parte do universo do desenho na sua casa.

Foto: Geeky Gadgets